Agricultural commodities, processing and products
Crop products and commodities
Myanmar tobacco products to display warning pictures
Packaging for cigarettes made in Myanmar will soon bear photos and text cautioning against the deleterious health effects of consuming tobacco products, Health Minister U Than Aung has said. “We have drawn up a notification to include health warnings in pictures and text covering 75 percent ...
Vietnam exports over 500,000 tonnes of rice to Africa

The volume of Vietnam’s rice export to African markets in the first seven months of this year rose by 52% in the comparison to the same period last year. Keep reading ...
Vietnamese keep off vegetables on pesticide fears

Vietnamese are consuming too much starch and sugar and only half the amount of daily vegetables recommended, partly because of worries about pesticides, experts said. A recent survey by the National Institute of Nutrition found a person in Vietnam consumes 200 grams of vegetables on average ...
Floods damage Vientiane rice crop
Farmers in two districts of Vientiane are unable to replant their rice after seedlings in thousands of low-lying plots recently disappeared under floodwater. Parts of Sangthong and Naxaithong districts were inundated following torrential rain earlier this month and farmers are dismayed because they say it is ...
Seeds scarce as replanting begins
Disaster zones in Rakhine State urgently need paddy seeds, said a civil society organisation based in the state. U Thein Win, a member of the Wunlark Rural Development Foundation in Sittwe, said local farmers had to cultivate more paddy this month. Keep reading ...
Lao researchers seeking to introduce faster growing rice varieties

The Naphok Agricultural Research Centre is seeking to produce early maturing varieties of rice seed for Lao farmers to plant in the coming years, as part of efforts to reduce the disaster related impacts of climate change. Researchers at the centre are currently conducting ongoing research into ...
Organising Vietnamese - Japanese second high-level dialogue on agriculture

The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development in coordination with Japanese Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries held the second high-level dialogue on agricultural development cooperation in Hanoi on 12 August. At the dialogue, Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development Cao Duc Phat called on the ...
Rubber oversupply causes price slump in Laos

As rubber plantations mature and the trees are ready to be tapped, Lao growers stand to face a substantial loss amid a slump in the rubber price on the world market. A respected Lao researcher says poor assessment of the market prior to planting the trees ...
Decline in price of rubber leaves Cambodian farmers scrambling

As of last year, rubber trees occupied more than 357,000 hectares in Cambodia, with more than 90,000 hectares old enough for cultivation. Now, some farmers are regretting their choice of cash crop, after a rough three years in which rubber prices have plummeted. “It’s good for ...
Extreme weather: the new normal for Myanmar farmers

Recent flooding highlights the climactic challenges that upper Myanmar farmers are now facing on a regular basis. Sagaing Region was particularly badly hit from mid-July onward. As other rivers, streams, dams and dykes also burst their banks, houses and fields were inundated, with Kin-U, Kawlin and ...