Aid and development

Promoting biodiversity-friendly trade in the Mekong region

Countries in the Mekong region have been leaders in developing products and services based on the sustainable use of biodiversity for years.   Many have also ratified the Nagoya Protocol on Access and Benefit-sharing, which sets a minimum standard for regulations on accessing genetic resources and sharing ...

WB’s Vietnam Development Report 2019 launched

The Vietnam Development Report 2019 “Connecting Vietnam for Growth and Shared Prosperity” was co-launched by the World Bank (WB) and the Ministry of Planning and Investment in Hanoi on Wednesday. It presents a comprehensive overview of connectivity issues in Vietnam, using a set of new analytical ...

World Bank aids Vietnam’s transition to a solar auction program

The Global Infrastructure Facility’s (GIF) Governing Council has approved $1.5m in funding to support the World Bank’s work with the government of Vietnam on a Solar Pilot Auction Program. The GIF, working with the World Bank’s Energy Global Practice, will help the government to design and ...

Don Sahong hydropower dam in Laos connects to Cambodian grid

The Don Sahong hydropower dam in Laos has begun operations and this week connected its power grid to Cambodia, a Cambodian official said on Wednesday as the country steps up electricity imports after continued power outages last year. Don Sahong, which was designed for an installed ...

Prak Chan Thul

Japan offers $5m for refugee resettlement in Myanmar's Kachin

The Japanese government announced in late December that it will launch an aid program to help internally displaced people in a conflict zone in Myanmar’s northern state of Kachin to return home. China has strong influence in northern Myanmar, including Kachin. Countrywide, Japan and China are ...

Yuichi Nitta

South Korea backs Thai-led Mekong strategy

South Korea is urging Thailand to spearhead the Ayeyawady-Chao Phraya-Mekong Economic Cooperation Strategy (Acmecs) for sustainable water management, after President Moon Jae-in met with Asean leaders last month in Busan under Thailand’s year-long chairmanship. Thailand co-chaired the 2019 Asean-Republic of Korea Commemorative Summit and the first ...

Thana Boonlert

FM Don backs push for multilateralism

Thailand has joined the 52 other members of the Asia-Europe Meeting (Asem) in stressing the need to revitalise multilateralism amid ongoing challenges to the world order. The 14th Asem Foreign Ministers’ Meeting held in Madrid on Sunday and Monday ended with a chairman’s statement. “Ministers underlined the ...

WB approves additional funding for disaster recovery in Laos

The World Bank’s Board of Executive Directors Last Friday approved 50 million U.S. dollars of additional financing in Southeast Asia Disaster Risk Management Project in Laos and the Lao Road Sector Project II. The additional funding will help reduce the financing gap for reconstruction following widespread ...


Lao minister visits Xinhua for 2nd Laos-China Belt and Road Cooperation Forum

Kikeo Khaykhamphithoune, Lao Minister of Information, Culture and Tourism visited the headquarters of Xinhua News Agency here on Sunday for the forthcoming Second Laos-China Belt and Road Cooperation Forum. During their talks, Xinhua President Cai Mingzhao hailed the China-Laos relationship as example of China’s friendship and ...


Vietnam, EU boost comprehensive cooperation

Vietnam always treasures relations with the European Union (EU), and is willing to discuss with the bloc issues of mutual concern, said Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Pham Binh Minh on December 15. He made the statement while meeting with EU High Representative ...

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