Thailand’s turtle hatchlings finally have the beach to themselves

When Kosum Kao-Uthai’s family noticed mysterious imprints in the sand outside the hotel resort they own in Koh Samui, she knew exactly which animal had paid a visit. She remembered spotting the same marks, left by a nesting sea turtle, when, as a teenager, she ...

Rebecca Ratcliffe

Cambodia’s biggest lake is running dry, taking forests and fish with it

Hun Sotharith recalls when he moved to Cambodia’s Tonle Sap Lake to become a fisherman. It was the early 1990s, and the freshwater swamp forest where he fished was so dense that it could take Sotharith, a former soldier, a day and a half to ...


Mekong Countries Must Confront China Over Dam Impact, Experts Say Ahead of China-Led Meeting

China’s extensive damming of the upper Mekong River has reduced water flows, threatening downstream countries Cambodia and Vietnam with environmental harm and food shortages, said experts in advance of a summit meeting of the multilateral  Mekong-Lancang Cooperation group. The summit, to be held on Aug. 24 ...

RFA’s Khmer and Vietnamese Service. Written in English by Richard Finney.

18 Chinese Nationals Caught Crossing Mekong into Chiang Rai

Immigration officials in Chang Saen, Chiang Rai have arrested 18 Chinese nationals for illegal entry after crossed the Mekong from Laos. Immigration police said the Chinese Nationals were found taking refuge at a local restaurant. Chiang Rai Immigration police said they were tipped off about the ...

CTN News

International Youth Day 2020 - Youth leading the way in COVID-19 solutions

On Aug 14, a youth-led celebration, coordinated by the Lao Youth Union, for this year’s International Youth Day (IYD) in the midst of a global pandemic highlighted education and empowerment for young people and by youth themselves, emphasising how young people are taking action to ...


What’s next for Thailand’s Covid-19 recovery?

After six months in lockdown, Thailand is encouraging citizens to return to its islands and beaches. The nation has had no local transmissions in the last two months. Businesses have opened back up and the government is now contemplating allowing 100,000 foreign workers to return to ...

Scott Rigby

Mekong Delta localities urged to work harder to complete yearly targets

In a document informing the PM’s conclusion in a meeting with leaders of the Mekong Delta localities, PM Phuc called for the engagement of the whole political system in implementing the Government’s resolutions on supporting COVID-19-hit people and solutions to remove difficulties facing business and ...


Can Thailand escape a second wave of COVID-19?

Many factors could trigger a fresh surge of infections nationwide, according to Prof Dr Thiravat Hemachudha, director of the Thai Red Cross Emerging Infectious Disease Health Science Centre. “First and foremost, Thais have become convinced that the country is completely free from COVID-19 cases and are ...

Coronavirus pushing Cambodia back into poverty

Garment worker Ny Thea never expected she would be in such big trouble. Just recently she still earned about $300 (€253) per month in a clothing factory, and on top of that, she took in extra cash renting out a luxury car.  But the coronavirus pandemic ...

Thailand Launches “New Normal” Healthcare System To Build Back Better After COVID-19

Thailand has launched a comprehensive project to help healthcare facilities and personnel strengthen their response to COVID-19, and to improve the health care system – “build back better” – after the pandemic subsides. All healthcare facilities in Bangkok and 12 Regional Health Offices across the country ...

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