Environment and natural resources

Cold snap envelops parts of Asia

Tropical South-east Asia has not been spared the wintry chills. Thailand, Myanmar, Laos and Cambodia have been enveloped by an unexpectedly cold front, which descended from China last week.Keep reading ...

Lee Seok Hwai

China offers assurances on Mekong's use

China has pledged its cooperation on water-resource management and protection of the environment of the Mekong River, but is unlikely to become a full member of the Mekong River Commission (MRC), Chinese officials said.Keep reading ...

Supalak Ganjanakhundee

Rapid Decline in Tonle Sap Raises Alarms For Key Southeast Asian Fishery

Cambodia’s Tonle Sap, a lake known as the country’s “beating heart,” faces a more rapid decline than previously estimated, according to a new study. Experts say that urgent countermeasures are needed to save Southeast Asia’s largest freshwater lake, which has served Cambodia for millennia. Millions ...

Dan Southerland

Photo contest celebrates the Mekong River as a shared resource

A selection of 30 winning photographs submitted to the Mekong River Commission as a part of their first photo contest are now online, depicting scenes from the mighty river and the communities that depend on it.The MRC is an international research body that periodically reports ...

Alessandro Marazzi Sassoon

Risk to endangered clouded leopards grows as smuggling rises

The smuggling of organs from clouded leopards has been rising and warrants immediate action to protect the big cat, environmentalists say.[]Clouded leopards have been seen only in Nepal, India, Bangladesh, Myanmar, Thailand, Cambodia, Malaysia, Indonesia, Laos, Bhutan and China.Keep reading ...

Eleven Reporter

Orphaned Myanmar elephants blanketed against cold

When an unexpectedly cold front from China descended on parts of Southeast Asia this past week, people in Thailand, Myanmar, Laos and Cambodia bundled up in coats to stave off the region’s unusual weather. But what’s an elephant to do?Keep reading ...

The Bangkok Post Reporter

Thailand to clear air with Laos, Myanmar

Thailand is working with Laos and Myanmar to address the problem of cross-border haze pollution caused by the illegal burning of forests. Keep reading   ...


Dalai Lama wants Tibetans to imbibe ancient Indian wisdom

Asserting that India was the only nation to integrate material development with the inner world, the Dalai Lama on Sunday advised Tibetans to imbibe ancient Indian wisdom as well as environmental protection.[]”It is the moral duty of the Tibetans to preserve the fragile ecology of ...


Cambodia’s fisheries at risk due to hydropower development on Mekong, MRC warns

Hydropower development will likely deal a serious economic blow to Cambodia, with dire outlooks for its fisheries and rice outputs predicted even under best-case scenarios, according to key findings from the Mekong River Commission (MRC).Keep reading ...

Alessandro Marazzi Sassoon

Mekong activists demand international law regulating development projects

A network of Thai people living along the Mekong River are advocating an international law to protect the environment and human rights regarding international investments in the river basin, as the major lifeline is threatened by multiple projects.Keep reading ...

The Nation Reporter

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