

Election brings hope, fear for Myanmar refugees stuck in limbo

For refugees from Myanmar living in camps just across the border in Thailand, a landmark election in their homeland triggers mixed emotions – hope that a hated government will be defeated, and fear of the uncertain future such an upheaval might bring. Ko Chit, 45, who ...

UN chief hits out at Myanmar election ‘hate speech’

UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon hit out on Monday at “extreme elements” in Myanmar who are sowing hate speech and bigotry towards religious minorities, days before the country votes in landmark elections. Myanmar heads to the polls on 8 November in what observers are hoping will ...

Two-week NEC voter registration tests begin countrywide

The National Election Committee (NEC) began a two-week pilot project testing its new biometric voter registration system Sunday, with a goal of registering 32,500 people at 41 centers in the 24 provinces and Phnom Penh. As part of an overhaul of the country’s electoral system following ...

CNRP calls on UN to join investigation

The opposition Cambodia National Rescue Party has called on the United Nations to join an investigation into the beating of two CNRP parliamentarians last Monday, expressing serious doubts the Cambodian People’s Party-led government could conduct an independent inquiry into an incident it was almost immediately ...

Burma’s Minorities Fear USDP Election Victory

During nearly seven decades the villages of the Karen have been torched, their men summarily executed and their women raped as the ethnic minority battled Burma’s military regime in the world’s longest-running insurgency. Their homeland has been called the “hidden Darfur,” where some 350,000 people ...

ANP aims for two-thirds of Rakhine State’s seats

  As the two major national parties, the ruling Union Solidarity and Development Party and the opposition National League for Democracy, square off in advance of the November 8 election, attention is also being directed to the prospects of the country’s many ethnic-based parties. The Arakan ...

Advance polling kicks off

Advance voting got under way on 29 October for those unable to cast a ballot in their constituencies on polling day next weekend, many of whom are soldiers and civil servants. The early ballot comes after overseas nationals cast advance votes earlier this month ahead of the ...

UN rights envoy raises election credibility fears

The special rapporteur on human rights in Myanmar on 29 October told one of the United Nations highest-level bodies that she is not convinced the coming election will be free and fair. Yanghee Lee criticised the candidate scrutiny process for being non-transparent and for seemingly arbitrarily disqualifying ...

After 2010 fraud, advance vote concerns remain in Kayah State

In 2010, shortly before the 7 November election, U Tun Shwe, a local administrator and Union Solidarity and Development Party official from Chigwe village, Bawlakhe township, was given an unusual task: Place a tick on blank ballot forms next to the USDP logo. The votes were ...

NLD candidates struggle for attention in northern Arakan State

Candidates for Myanmar’s main opposition party are continuing to face hurdles campaigning in Arakan State, with local administrators in several townships reportedly declining to facilitate the party’s activities. The Irrawaddy spoke with six candidates from the National League for Democracy (NLD) competing in races in northern Arakan ...

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