Law and judiciary

TBA to announce guidelines on protection of clients' data

The Thai Bankers’ Association (TBA) will issue practice guidelines for commercial banks in handling clients’ personal data, following the enforcement of the personal data protection law in May next year. The Personal Data Protection Act, B.E. 2562 (2019) regarding the collection, use, or disclosure of personal ...

89th joint patrol on Mekong River concludes

The 89th international joint patrol on the Mekong River concluded on December 27, with China, Laos, Myanmar and Thailand taking part. According to the Yunnan provincial public security department, 128 law enforcement officers participated in the mission aboard six vessels, covering 542km. A consultation meeting on ...

Vietnam’s Internet Control: Following in China’s Footsteps?

On January 1 of this year, a new cybersecurity law entered into effect in Vietnam after its passage in the Vietnamese National Assembly in June 2018. The law (original; unofficial translation) had a number of concerning elements, which included granting the government relatively unchecked authorities to ...

Justin Sherman

Mekong nations tighten anti-drug blitz

The Mekong region is no longer a mysterious place, as it has now become the world’s main hub of illicit drugs across multiple frontiers. Last month, anti-drug officials from riparian countries — Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, China — and the United Nations Office on ...

Kavi Chongkittavorn

Sub-decree to transfer health services ‘closer to the people’

The National Committee for Sub-National Democratic Development (NCDD) has approved a draft sub-decree to improve the provision of health services in a quality, safe, effective and equitable manner. Consisting of eight chapters and 27 articles, the sub-decree outlines the delegating of authority in health service provision ...

Mech Dara

Requiem for victims of traffic accidents in Vietnam

The National Traffic Safety Committee and the Ho Chi Minh City People’s Committee on November 11 held an annual requiem for the victims who lost their life to traffic accidents in Vietnam this year. The event aims to raise an alarm in the whole society on traffic accidents ...

Chinese and Mekong cops team up against one of Asia's biggest meth cartels

Chinese drug police are working with Mekong countries to strike at the heart of a mega-rich meth syndicate as the region targets top-level drug traffickers instead of street dealers. The porous and lawless border areas of Myanmar, Thailand and Laos have for decades been a hub ...

Safe Mekong Project Signatories Discuss Narcotics Suppression

The Thai government has also implemented a measure to reduce the demand for drugs in the country. This comes as new producers keep on emerging regardless of seizures.  They will keep doing so as long as there is demand. Signatories of the Safe Mekong Coordination Project have met ...

Panel to consider changing laws to aid Kachin farmers

A committee will be set up comprising farmers and civil society organisations to resolve farmland problems in Kachin State, U M Kawn La of the Kachin National Congress said. The committee, to initially include political party officials, law experts, civil society groups and literature associations, will discuss ...

Khin Su Wai

Japan funds outreach activities for Legal Documentation Center

The Japanese government has approved more than $250,000 to support the Khmer Rouge tribunal’s Legal Documentation Centre to conduct its outreach activities. According to a press release issued yesterday, the Japanese government approved $251,970 to support the LDC, including the establishment of mobile outreach unit, consisting ...

Mom Kunthear

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