Social development
Education and training
How poverty affects the brain
The video tells the story of Malala Yousafzai, the Nobel Peace Prize winner from Pakistan who at 15 survived being shot in the head by the Taliban while riding a bus in 2012. “I want to get my education, and I want to become a ...
Vietnamese universities fall in South East Asia rankings
Vietnam has eight universities in South East Asia’s top 100 universities according to the latest report from Webometrics, however, many of them have dropped in the rankings. In the ranking for the second quarter announced on July 29, Vietnam National University in Hanoi, Can Tho University ...
China denies political conditions on aid to Cambodia
China said on 22 July its financial assistance to Cambodia is in no way dependent on that country’s support on diplomatic and political issues, such as Beijing’s dispute with other Southeast Asian countries in the South China Sea. A Foreign Ministry statement faxed to The Associated Press ...
IACD boosts education and cultural exchange project
The Institute of Asian Culture and Development and the Ministry of Education and Sports will work together to improve education and cultural exchange in Laos after reaching a grant project agreement. The agreement was signed on 19 July in Vientiane by IACD Country Director Dr Hosik ...
Students migrate, leaving school at the border
Before she dropped out of school in April, following her cousin to a factory in Thailand where a week of making mattresses pays $48, Dong Sreyda was ranked third in her ninth grade class in Banteay Meanchey province. Pring Morkoath, deputy director of the Ministry of ...
NUOL receives funding for environmental protection activities
The Environmental Protection Fund has agreed to provide over US$2 million in support of environmental protection activities in three faculties of Environmental Sciences, Natural Sciences and of Economics and Business Administration. The fund is aimed at broadening the knowledge of students and lecturers on the management ...
JICA provides grant for scholarships, bridge repair
The Ministry of Planning and Investment and the Japan International Cooperation Agency on 8 July signed a grant agreement for two aid projects for Human Resource Development Scholarships from 2016 to 2020 and Reconstruction of Bridges on National Road No. 9, worth about 2.836 billion yen. The ...
Japan gives boost to human resource development in Laos
The government of Japan is providing grant assistance of 308 million yen for the continuation of the Human Resource Development Scholarship Project in Laos. An agreement was signed on 4 July in Vientiane by Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Ms Khamphao Eunthavanh and Japanese Ambassador to Laos ...
Address ageing issues now, World Bank urges
Thailand’s economy will continue growing and the pace could pick up if the country properly addresses future challenges including its rapidly greying population, according to the World Bank. The Bank’s 2016 economic forecast for Thailand was raised from the 2.2-per-cent growth estimated six months ago to ...
Kingdom scores low on human capital index
A report released on 28 June by the World Economic Forum underscores Cambodia’s poor performance at educating and training its citizens in order to develop a competitive workforce and put their skills to productive use. The Kingdom ranked 100th out of 130 countries in terms of human ...