Geopolitical Monitor

Vietnam Faces Watershed Moment ahead of COP26

In a speech at the UN Security Council, Ambassador Dang Dinh Quy, Permanent Representative of Vietnam, reminded member nations that sea level rise is a major threat for coastal nations, including the lowlands of China, Bangladesh, Indonesian islands, Philippine archipelagos and Vietnam. Other delegates lauded Quy’s ...

James Borton

Cambodia-Laos Border Dispute: Geopolitical Flashpoint or Playing Politics?

Cambodia’s usually low-key dispute over an unmarked stretch of its remote 540-km long border with northern neighbour Laos made international headlines last August when long-time Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen issued a stern six-day ultimatum for Laotian troops to withdraw from the disputed region or ...

Fact Sheet: Kunming-Singapore High Speed Rail Network

The Nanning-Singapore Economic Corridor, or China-Indochina Peninsula Economic Corridor (CICPEC), is one of the six major corridors envisioned by China’s One Belt One Road Initiative (OBOR). []OBOR isn’t the only cooperation mechanism in the region; as a relative newcomer, it has slotted in with other initiatives ...

Geopolitical Monitor Reporter

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