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347 Topics found for "sustainable development goals"

State public land

State public land has a public interest value or provides a public service. The land is inalienable, although it can be leased for limited uses that do not alter or damage its public value. State public land should only be reclassified if the land no ...

Extractive industries policy and administration

Cambodia’s extractive industries have traditionally operated on a small scale, mostly mining construction materials, gold or gemstones. While commercial production of minerals or oil has yet to begin on a large scale – these products made up just 0.1% of the country’s exports in 20161 – ...

Legal aid

Under Cambodia’s Constitution, all Khmer citizens have equal status before the law, regardless of wealth or station.18 This promotes a political principle called the rule of law,19 an ideal that all members of a society, both the people and the State, are held equally accountable ...

Solid waste

A landfill site in Battambang province, Cambodia. Photo by freshheadfilms, taken on 6 January 2005. Licensed under CC BY-ND 2.0In Cambodia, burning waste remains a common practice, particularly in rural areas, due to the lack of dumpsites or waste collection services. It is still considered ...

Electricity production

In Cambodia, electricity demands have been forecast to grow at 17.9 percent annually from 2012 to 2020.122 Distribution of electricity around the country has been a challenge: according to UN data, 79 percent of people live in rural areas,123 and the entire national population had grown ...

COVID-19 and gender equality

Lao PDR has been relatively unharmed by the novel coronavirus itself, with no reported deaths. The Prime Minister of Laos began issuing a series of lockdown measures on March 18, 2020, closing schools and restricting non-essential activities. A period of full lockdown lasted almost a ...

COVID-19 Impact on Thai Labor Market
Motorbike taxi in Thailand

The coronavirus pandemic has been a challenging time for decision makers globally to respond accurately and in a timely manner to mitigate impacts while keeping the public informed. In fact, the COVID-19 pandemic has led to the intensification of inequality and so far disrupted income ...

Banking and financial services policy and regulation

Political stability and economic growth of all sectors have played vital role in building the public and foreign investors’ confidence and maintaining the safety and soundness of banking system in Cambodia. The banking sector continues to have substantial growth as it shares 82.2% in the ...


Introduction Land use in Laos has recently undergone significant change. While most members of the 50 recognized ethnic groups in Laos making up the Laos population have traditionally had a subsistence lifestyle, collected forest products, and cared for land through shifting (swidden) agriculture, government policies have ...

Disasters and emergency response

Cambodia flood, 2011. Photo by European Commission, taken on 11 October 2011. Licensed under CC BY 2.0Storms, flooding and lightning strikes are the major causes of death and property damage from natural disasters in Cambodia, while drought causes severe hardship, especially for farmers. In a ...

Types of state-protected areas

Flooded forest in Cambodia. Photo by Andrea Kirkby, taken 11 May 2014. Licensed under CC BY-NC 2.0.A 1993 royal decree designated 23 protected areas covering about 3,273,300 ha, equal to around 18% of the country’s total land area, and brought them under the jurisdiction of the Ministry ...


A country’s success largely depends on how well it employs its workforce and develops the knowledge and skills of its citizens. The World Economic Forum’s Global Human Capital Report measures the quantifiable elements of how well a country is developing this ‘human capital’. The report ...

Extractive industries

Myanmar is rich in natural resources, including gems, minerals, oil and gas. The economic activities involved in exploring and extracting these resources are known as extractive industries. Myanmar is one of the world’s largest producers and exporters of jade, one of the oldest exporters of ...


In October 2020, tropical storms LINFA and NANGKA struck Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos and Thailand. The storms resulted in at least 48 fatalities, 15 missing people and more than 830,400 affected citizens, as reported by the ASEAN Coordinating Centre for Humanitarian Assistance on disaster management (the ...


Although there is currently no commercial-scale production of gold carried out in Cambodia, exploration by many companies is underway, with some promising find reported. Subject to government approval, commercial production could begin in 2016 or 2017. Gold is found in a number of ...

Legal aid policy and regulation

Public policies are a system of laws, regulatory measures, and plans of action implemented by the government to ensure that its functions are performed predictably and consistently.463 Policies typically outline the guiding principles of an operation; meanwhile, regulations set procedural expectations. Currently, there are no ...

Rivers and lakes

Introduction Rivers and lakes are two types of surface water. In Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, Thailand and Vietnam (or the Lower Mekong Countries), the majority of surface water is organized into large river systems that network into streams, lakes, ponds and wetlands, and flow into deltas. It ...


Upon the reinstatement of the second monarchy in 1993, Cambodian citizens are the master of their destiny and sources of all power. With the introduction of the liberal democracy in the Kingdom, all Cambodians at their 18 years or over, except where it is prescribed ...

Legislative Framework for Special Economic Zones

The overarching legislation that is relevant to all Special Economic Zones (SEZs) in Myanmar is the 2014 Special Economic Zone Law, enacted on January 23, 2014.3 It established the entities responsible for creating and overseeing the implementation of SEZs: the Central Body, Central Working Body, and ...

Ministries and other national bodies

Nearly all of the ministries were established in 1995. A few ministries were only recently created in the post-2013 national election by a separation of one ministry into two. There are 28 government ministries and secretariats, and many national bodies. ...

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