
Agricultural commodities, processing and products

Shaky outlook for black pepper

The rapid expansion of pepper cultivation in Cambodia coincides with the spice’s plummeting world prices, creating concerns that the glut of pepper ripening on vines across the Kingdom could further erode next season’s market prices and push the sector toward a collapse.Read more ...

Oil retailers urged to hold more biodiesel

Oil retailers have been urged to stock up on biodiesel to help absorb more palm crude supply from the market, which would indirectly push up the price of palm fruit and support farmers, says to the Commerce Ministry.Keep reading ...

Industry, Commerce seeks to end illegal pig imports

The Ministry of Industry and Commerce is adopting stricter measures to intercept the import, movement and distribution of illegally imported pigs, pork (fresh and frozen) and related products.The ministry last week announced that provincial and Vientiane Department of Industry and Commerce should coordinate with relevant ...

Hai Duong calls for hi-tech agricultural investment

The northern province of Hải Dương will create favourable conditions and offer preferential policies for businesses investing in high-tech agriculture, post-harvest preservation, slaughterhouse construction and production chain development, provincial authorities said.Keep reading ...

Bokeo province expects to reduce banana plantation sites

Authorities of Bokeo province confirmed they will not allow investors to expand areas for banana plantation projects, aiming to protect the environment and peoples’ health. According to a report from the ad hoc committee for banana farm inspection, the authorities will not allow the expansion of ...

The most neglected threat to public health in China is toxic soil

Tang Donghua, a wiry 47-year-old farmer wearing a Greenpeace T-shirt, smokes a cigarette and gesticulates towards his paddy fields in the hills of southern Hunan province. The leaves of his rice plants poke about a foot above water. Mr Tang says he expects to harvest ...

Farmers to bear cost of some irrigation projects

The private sector, farmers and manufacturers will have to contribute their share to upgrading, repairing and building new irrigation systems for their use, according to a draft Law on Irrigation discussed on June 8 by the National Assembly. The Government will give priority to building reservoirs ...

Locust outbreak spreads further across northern provinces

The yellow-spined bamboo locust outbreak is expanding in northern provinces despite the best efforts of surveillance teams at central and local level to control the insects with chemical spraying. The locust population currently is expanding in 750 locations, involving 309 villages in 24 districts of ...

Institute of herb genes conservation launched in Đà Nẵng

Đà Nẵng has established central Viet Nam’s first Green Technology Institute for Herb and Agricultural Gene Conservation. The city’s Union of Science and Engineering Associations said the institute would focus on research and conservation of precious and rare genes including more than 400 genes of herbs ...

VN eyes more fruit exports to Japan

Even as Japan is the fifth largest importer of Việt Nam’s agricultural products, only three kinds of Vietnamese fresh fruits are being sold in the country. A report from the Ministry of Industry and Trade’s Export and Import Department showed that Việt Nam earned US$1.46 ...

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