Fisheries production

Community fisheries

China's Mekong dams turn Thai fishing villages into 'ghost towns'

CHIANG KHONG, Thailand: From February to April each year, Kam Thon spends most of her days knee-deep in the waters of the Mekong River by her village in northern Thailand, gathering river weed to sell and cook at home. Kam Thon and other women who live ...


The vanishing catch: How women are suffering in the Mekong Delta

Fishing is what used to keep Nguyễn Thị Nga’s family afloat during the Mekong Delta’s flood season in the southern province of An Giang. “We always filled buckets with fish, but now there are very few,” said the 44-year-old woman with a sigh. Money earned from ...

Vân Nguyễn

Vietnam’s fishermen battle a lack of fish and China

In a cell at Tanjung Pinang in Riau, Indonesia, 64-year-old Vietnamese fisherman Nguyen Van Tu struggles alone with aching legs. He has not been found guilty of any crime, but has been detained for more than 20 months.  In the summer of 2020, the pair of ...

Vo Kieu Bao Uyen

Three busted for illegal fishing practices

Police in Pursat continued to crackdown on illegal fishing practices as the country moves towards the total suppression of fishery crimes and fishing malpractice. Police from the Bakan District Police Inspectorate of Pursat Provincial Police said yesterday that they arrested three fishermen at Ta Chan Dam ...

Khmer Times

Thousands fish for luck in central Vietnam's marsh festival

The Dong Hoa fishing festival, which began dozens of years ago, is a yearly festival celebrated in the fifth month of the lunar calendar at the Vuc Marsh in Xuan Vien Commune, Nghi Xuan District. The marsh spans around a kilometer and is near the Hong ...

Duc Hung

Cambodian fisherman accidentally hooks giant freshwater ray in Mekong

A 180kg female giant freshwater stingray was accidentally caught by Mekong River fishermen in Koh Preah community in Koh Preah village and commune of Stung Treng province’s Siem Bok district. Sin Piseth, a river guard based in Koh Preah village, told The Post on May 9 ...

Khouth Sophak Chakrya/The Phnom Penh Post

'Nothing about the Mekong is normal now’: Anger along Southeast Asia’s great river as water levels become unpredictable

From a distance, it is hard to make sense of the small patches of green emerging from the cracking mud flats of the Mekong River. They are not oases, nor sprouts of river grass along dusty channels where water normally flows; they are golf greens. Recently, ...

Jack Board

Coastal communities to adapt for climate change

A five-year project agreement on “Climate Adaptation and Resilience in Cambodia’s Coastal Fishery Dependent Communities has been signed. The Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (MAFF) and the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations (FAO), along with the Ministry of Environment (MoE), which ...

Jason Boken

‘Lee traps’ no longer used for fishing in Khong district

Bamboo or Lee traps that depleted fish stocks in the Mekong river when they were used by fishermen have been banned in Khong district of Champassak province in southern Laos. The Environmental and Social Manager of Sahong hydropower plant, Mr Somphone Phommanivong, told Vientiane Times the ban ...

Khonesavanh Latsaphao

IN FOCUS: Livelihoods, environment on the line as Thailand pushes for new industrial park

The Thai government has thrown its weight behind a large industrial city project in a coastal area in southern Songkhla. But it is opposed by locals who fear a devastating impact on their hometown. CHANA, Thailand: For Khairiyah Rahmanyah, the sea is life.  She was born and ...

Pichayada Promchertchoo

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