Environment and natural resources
Forests and forestry
Students debate forest protection measures

A group of university students in Phnom Penh on 31 January organised a debate on how to protect Prey Lang, with the winners standing to receive a trip to the critical forest preserve. The “Prey Lang Forum”, held at Zaman University in Phnom Penh, sought to raise ...
Company denies illegal logging allegations

A company owned by a tycoon accused of logging vast stretches of forest in Cambodia’s Virachey National Park on 28 January fired back at its detractors, claiming that it paid the state more than $1 million in taxes and was cleared by a recent anti-illegal logging ...
Students debate forest protection measures

A group of university students in Phnom Penh on 31 January organised a debate on how to protect Prey Lang, with the winners standing to receive a trip to the critical forest preserve. The “Prey Lang Forum”, held at Zaman University in Phnom Penh, sought to raise ...
WWF mapping project shows Mondulkiri forest in danger

A sophisticated new environmental analysis software package has painted a grim picture of Mondulkiri province’s future environmental health. Presented and debated in Phnom Penh on 25 January, the WWF-led project, dubbed InVEST, short for Integrated Valuation of Ecosystem Services and Trade-offs, predicts that by 2030, Mondulkiri, ...
Vietnam border sealed against loggers

Cambodia’s military police said on 18 January that they have sealed the Vietnam border against wood transport following a major crackdown on two tycoons’ logging warehouses on 17 January. Local observers and experts, however, suggested the actions were little more than a hiccup for a long-tolerated ...
Furniture fair raises profile of Lao wood products

The Lao Furniture Association hopes that the furniture fair, which opened in Vientiane on 14 January, will attract more domestic and foreign investors in the sector and promote Lao wood products on regional and international markets. The Lao Furniture Association on 14 January officially opened its ...
Community sues border police over loggers
A group of villagers in Mondolkiri province filed a lawsuit this week against three local border police officers and a forestry official accusing them of allowing Vietnamese loggers to sneak across the nearby border and illegally log the forests they depend on for a living. Khut ...
Two Malaysian firms plan agarwood venture in Laos
Two Malaysian companies plan to invest US$18 million (RM79 million) for the inoculation of agarwood in Laos that is expected to generate US$200 million in three years. Agriculture transaction company Aseagate (M) Sdn Bhd, forestry management company Richwood Capital Sdn Bhd, together with non-governmental organisation Global ...
Convoy of Lao trucks transports logs to Vietnam, despite ban on timber exports

Laos has continued to transport logs from its forests to Vietnam, despite a government ban on timber exports that took effect in August and a leaked report by an international environmental group two months ago, revealing huge increases in illegal logging with the implication of ...
‘Edge effects’ harming forests

Even comparatively small patches of human intrusion into contiguous forestland disproportionately saps forests’ ability to trap harmful carbon, a recent study has shown, a finding that suggests Cambodia’s government may be underestimating the environmental damage caused by logging and development. So-called “forest degradation” – unlike typical ...