Extractive industries

Rough seas impede oil spill cleanup

Thailand’s Marine Department on 27 February said it had not been able to clean up the oil spill from the capsized cruise liner Ocean Dream off Koh Nok in Chon Buri’s Si Racha district due to high winds and waves impeding their operations. In a press statement, the department ...

Locals ask court to cancel coal permits

Residents in Thailand’s Nakhon Laung district in Ayutthaya province have asked the Central Administrative Court to withdraw the operating permits given to 51 coal and fertiliser companies and 26 piers on the Pasak River. They argue they have failed to protect the communities’ health and environment ...

Amyotha committee takes aim at resource extraction

With Myanmar’s deadly jade industry increasingly under international scrutiny after hundreds of scavengers were buried in landslides, the Amyotha Hluttaw is taking the infamously unregulated extractive industries sector to task. The illegal plundering of natural resources will be put to an end, according to National League for ...

Koh Kong sand dredging impact studies due

The Ministry of Mines and Energy plans to release the environmental impact assessments of two controversial sand-dredging companies in Koh Kong “soon”, ministry spokesman Meng Saktheara said on 15 February. Activists from NGO Mother Nature – three of whom have been arrested for interfering with the ...

Oil blocks to remain open

The Cambodian government said on 9 February it would postpone bidding on two vacated offshore oil blocks given the low global levels of investment flowing into petroleum exploration activities. The Ministry of Mines and Energy revoked the exploration licences of Resourceful Petroleum Limited last month after the ...

Cam Pha port handles over 33,000 tonnes of coal on first New Year day

Cam Pha port and logistics company, an affiliate of the Vietnam National Coal and Mineral Industries Group (Vinacomin), in the northern province of Quang Ninh loaded 33,000 tonnes of coal for two ships on 8 February, the first day of the Year of the Monkey. Keep ...

FYI Resources : MoU for potential potash production in Laos

Board of Directors of Perth-based FYI Resources’ are pleased to announce the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Yuntianhua Group, headquartered in Yunnan China, for a potash project collaboration and potential resource development and production opportunities in Laos. Keep reading ...

Yangon buses in a feud for gas

A row has flared between Yangon bus owners and the regional transport authority over access to compressed natural gas. Ma Hta Tha, the Yangon Region Supervisory Committee for Motor Vehicles, says it is inviting buses to sign up to receive more CNG, but some owners ...

Quarry incident raises alarm for work safety

When rescue workers retrieved the last body from a collapsed quarry in Yen Lam District, Thanh Hoa Province on 23 January, it raised the total number of work-related deaths in the central province to 20 since the beginning of 2016. The quarry collapse itself led ...

Up to 30 feared dead in two Hpakant landslips

Deadly landslips have brought more death to Kachin State as two separate collapses in one day at the Hpakant jade mines claimed an unknown number of victims. Local residents fear as many as 30 people may have lost their lives. The first of the two landslides ...

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