Social development

Education and training

Learning lessons from COVID-19 in Myanmar

Thaw Lay, a high school student from Yangon, the capital of Myanmar, knew that this school year would be unlike any other. “I was excited, but I also knew that things would be a little different, when school reopened later this year”, he recalls. Thaw Lay ...

Laos gets more funding to mitigate impact of COVID-19 on education

The Global Partnership for Education is allocating a grant of US$7 million via UNICEF to help respond to and mitigate the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on children’s education in Laos. According to the UNICEF Laos Office, the grant agreement was signed on Thursday between Deputy ...

Times Reporters

Myanmar: Sex education in schools sparks debate over morality

A new school textbook, which features a fictional same-sex couple and young students who find themselves attracted to the opposite sex, has sparked outrage in Myanmar. The opposition Union Solidarity and Development Party (USDP), Buddhist monks and conservative parents protested the distribution of the book, calling ...

Cape Diamond (Yangon)

European Union disburses 59.693 billion MMK in support of education in Myanmar

Today, the European Union (EU) disbursed €37.625 million [59.693billion MMK] to further support education reform in Myanmar. The grant is paid earlier than planned to help the Government address the exceptional needs that arose due to COVID-19 and ensure a safe return to school for ...

Covid-19 crisis casts shadow over graduate futures

The coronavirus outbreak casts a shadow over the future of approximately 300,000 soon-to-be graduates this year. The bleak prospect of unemployment and layoffs as the economy staggers back to growth is expected to persist for at least two years. Minister of Higher Education, Science, Research and Innovation ...


Poor, Rural Students in Laos Lack Tech to Learn From Home

COVID-19 has forced Laos to join countries around the world in closing schools and using online distance learning. But rural and urban poor students in the Southeast Asian country not only lack computers and access to the internet — some even live in homes without ...

Myanmar: New Project Aims to Improve Education Quality and Access Across Country

A project to improve access to, and quality of, basic education nationwide in Myanmar was approved today by the World Bank’s Board of Executive Directors. The project, financed by a US$100 million credit from the International Development Association (IDA), will be implemented over four school ...

FAO help train Laos officials on climate mapping, zoning

Laos government officials completed a three-week training course on advanced Geographic Information Systems, which was implemented by the Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) to enable them to undertake climate mapping and zoning. The training course, funded by the Global Environment Facility, covered spatial analysis, geo-databases, network ...

Thailand drops one spot in GTCI rankings

Thailand slipped one position to 67th in the 2020 Global Talent Competitive Index (GTCI) of 132 countries, weighed down by poor vocational and technical skills. The GTCI report was developed by INSEAD, one of the world’s biggest graduate business schools, in partnership with HR solutions provider ...

Suchit Leesa-Nguansuk

Minorities in Myanmar receive training

The group says they have trained more than 300 teams and about 70 are in operation, helping injured civilians and delivering aid to those in need. The recruits say they are being persecuted by the country’s army. They have been conducting rescue and medical drills, but Myanmar‘s military ...

Laura Burdon-Manley

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