Human rights

Civil and political rights

Thailand gets upgraded in US TIP report

According to a statement released by the US embassy in Bangkok, the Tier 2 Watch List ranking indicates that the Thai government made significant efforts to eliminate trafficking during the rating period, but still does not fully meet the minimum standards for doing so. The State ...

NGO releases ELC figures to help with ‘shortcomings’

The NGO Forum on 28 June released an extensive and updated accounting of economic land concessions in Cambodia, suggesting that in a 20-year period, 267 ELCs totalling 1,532,783 hectares were granted. The data collection, from 1995 to the end of 2015, was conducted by the Research Advocacy ...

Govt campaign law on prevention and combating cyber crime

The Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications is concentrating its’ efforts on a campaign of the law on preventing and combating cyber crime to government officials. Cyber crime is any computer-related offence causing damages to the state, persons, legal entities, organisations, and overall society in accordance with ...

Myanmar will be ready to take back refugees soon, source claims

Myanmar will soon be ready to take back over 100,000 refugees from nine shelters in Thailand, as the country moves towards democracy, an informed source claimed on 20 June. Details were revealed during the launch of a “World Refugee Day” event at Ban Umpiem Mai shelter ...

Early pregnancies still an issue in Laos

Difficulties accessing information about methods to prevent early pregnancies among young people means that there are still many unwanted pregnancies and high death rates among young mothers and their children. Access to information and health services is limited among young people in the country, particularly for ...

Censorship harms Myanmar’s chance for reconciliation

The Human Rights Human Dignity film festival could not screen its opening film Twilight over Myanmar: My Life as a Shan Princess in Yangon this week. Myanmar’s film censorship board banned the film because it could allegedly tarnish the image of the Myanmar Army and harm ethnic ...

Montagnards wary as deportation rumours circulate

On 14 June, at about 11:30am, several officers from the refugee department visited Phnom Penh’s Por Sen Chey district to photograph and take names of some of those residing at a guesthouse where about 100 Montagnards have been staying with support from the UN refugee ...

Facebook racks up 10m Myanmar users

The world’s most popular social network, Facebook, has made millions of new “friends” in Myanmar over the last few years. In that time, the site has played the part of nationwide news outlet, emergency relief coordinator and community water cooler – but it has also provided ...

Amid turmoil, EU calls for review of aid to Cambodia

The European Parliament on Thursday passed a resolution accusing the Cambodian government of laying politically motivated charges against the opposition and calling for aid cuts if its respect for human rights fails to improve—a loud echo of a resolution it passed just six months ago. “Today, ...

Meet touts benefits of ‘Thailand 4.0’

The government is pursuing its “Thailand 4.0” project by utilising innovative technology to improve quality of life, productivity and efficiency for all businesses in the nation. The government will also come out with new laws this year related to digitisation, while the Information and Communications Technology Ministry ...

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