Social development

All children to have free healthcare in next three months

The Ministry of Health has confirmed that children will receive free healthcare at government hospitals within the next three months. The initiative is aimed at encouraging more parents to take their sick children to hospital and reduce the high rate of mortality among children under ...

New media ombudsman set up

In-House Media ombudsmen were officially introduced for the first time on May 17 by the National Press Council of Thailand to improve effective self-regulation of the industry. The move came as the state has attempted to introduce a new media regulation bill that media groups ...

Timely warning over gay rights

The gay community in Cambodia continues to suffer discrimination in every aspect of life, activists have warned, despite speedy progress being made around the world. Events are being held across Phnom Penh in support of Gay Pride week, which runs until Monday. But members of ...

China gives $240m in aid

China has granted $240 million aid to Cambodia under agreements signed by Prime Minister Hun Sen on a state visit to Beijing. Mr Hun Sen and Chinese Prime Minister Li Keqiang signed six deals on Tuesday after a one-hour meeting to discuss ties between the nations. In ...

Arresting the dangers of chemicals in food

Food is necessary for survival, an appropriate amount of food for sustenance that is, while excessive amounts are detrimental. As the Myanmar proverb goes “Tan hlin say, Lon hlin bay” (too much of anything is good for nothing), which is something we have been hearing ...

Cambodia’s ‘fragile’ decade: Kingdom ranked poorly in stability index

With the ruling party ominously invoking the possibility of war as elections draw near, a new index suggests the Kingdom is indeed at risk of instability – not thanks to outside challenges to the CPP, but to the government’s own opacity and lack of accountability. ...

Asia houses 50% of the world’s most expensive cities

Asian cities dominate the list and five Asian cities are among the top 10 cities which are most expensive to live, as per the Economist Intelligence Unit’s Worldwide Cost of Living Survey. Singapore and Hong Kong retained the top two spots and Seoul came in sixth. ...

Teacher colleges in Mekong Delta close

Several colleges of teacher training in the Mekong Delta provinces have closed in the last several years because of a shortage of students. The Cà Mau Province’s College of Teachers Training, for example, was dissolved by the provincial People’s Committee late last year. Trần Hồng ...

Luxembourg injects 23m euro to develop rural areas

The government of Luxembourg has granted 23 million euro (205 billion kip) to Laos to carry out local development projects in four target provinces. The programme aims to improve infrastructure and nutrition, ease poverty, and bolster sustainable environmental management as outlined in the 8th national socio-economic ...

Costly education project debacle causes loss in public confidence

Many educational projects capitalized at trillions of dong have failed, but negative consequences have affected generations of students. The new general education programming became a hot topic of discussion on education forums after MOET opened the draft frame curriculum for public opinion some days ago. Many parents ...

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