Aid and development

Jica comitted to support development of PAS port

The Japan International Cooperation Agency (Jica) has expressed commitment to support the development of the Sihanoukville Autonomous Port (PAS) by continuing to provide grant aid and loans after it transferred its shares of PAS to Japanese logistic firm Kamigumi Co Ltd. The announcement came after Jica’s ...

Hor Kimsay

Forum raises urgent Mekong issues

The 7th Mekong River Commission (MRC) Regional Stakeholder Forum was held in Lao capital Vientiane over Monday and Tuesday, with participants discussing urgent issues facing the Mekong region, the Secretariat of the MRC has said. Attending the two-day event were 180 representatives from Cambodia, Laos, Thailand, ...

Ry Sochan

Biodiversity key to every life on the planet

THE GLOBAL community has to take immediate action to conserve biodiversity and maintain healthy ecosystems in order to avoid catastrophic consequences to every life brought about by the impact of human activities. On the occasion of International Day for Biological Diversity today, international environmental experts insisted ...

Pratch Rujivanarom

World Bank to provide $1 billion in assistance, Ministry says

The World Bank will approve the disbursement of $1 billion to Cambodia to develop priority sectors in the next five years, according to the Ministry of Economy and Finance. The announcement was made by a World Bank delegation during a recent meeting with Acting Minister of ...

Chea Vannak

Japan’s Strategy in the Mekong Region

Concerted actions and tangible achievements over the past 10 years of the Mekong-Japan Cooperation have significantly contributed to the transformation of the Mekong region to be one of the global growth centers. Japan’s commitment to promote quality growth-both hard and soft infrastructure connectivity- further boosts economic ...

Sim Vireak

Australia provides about $300,000 in grant aid to MRC

The Australian government last week provided a grant of about $300,000 to help the Mekong River Commission upgrade its data, modelling and information systems to provide enhanced and timely information to the public in MRC member countries. According to a letter from the Australian Embassy in ...

Press Release: The EU and Vietnam implement and Agreement on combating illegal logging and promoting trade in legal timber

On May 8th, 2019, the Delegation of the European Union (EU) to Viet Nam and Viet Nam’s Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development held a joint meeting to announce the completion of the process of approval and ratification of a Voluntary Partnership Agreement on Forest ...

Cambodia China Journalist Association officially launched in Cambodia

The Cambodia China Journalist Association (CCJA) was formally launched here on Monday with the aim of promoting media exchange and relations between Cambodia and China. Cambodian Information Minister Khieu Kanharith said the Ministry of Information fully supported the CCJA and was confident that it would play ...

ADB boosts support for region

In prioritising Southeast Asia in its assistance, the multilateral lender would get involved in many operations in the region, said Ramesh Subramaniam, the director general of the bank’s Southeast Asia department. Subramaniam told the ADB annual meeting yesterday that the development lender would invest around US$5 ...

Khine Kyaw

New industrial zone proposed northwest of Yangon

Golden Myanmar Investment Consortium, which was formed by investors from China, Hong Kong and Myanmar to develop industrial zones, is planning to set up a new zone in Htantabin township, Yangon, the Yangon Region government and Yangon Region Investment Committee have announced. The creation of the ...

Thiha Ko Ko

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