Disasters and emergency response
Mekong: When the river runs dry
It has been a bad year for the Mekong. An unusually long period of drought has brought water levels to some of the lowest measurements in recent years. There are fears that the drought will have a particularly negative effect on the Tonle Sap River, connecting ...
Milton Osborne
Asia Pacific Climate Week gets underway in Bangkok against backdrop of damaging floods in northern Thailand
The Asia Pacific Climate Week got underway in Bangkok today, aimed at raising global ambition and intended to “grasp the many opportunities of climate action and to stave off the worst impacts of climate change, which are becoming increasingly costly for the region,” a UN press ...
Mekong water levels close to emergency
Authorities urged residents living along the Mekong River in Stung Treng, Kratie and Kampong Cham provinces to be vigilant as water levels rise perilously close to meriting an emergency declaration. On Sunday, water levels in Stung Treng province were just 20cm shy of an emergency declaration ...
Khouth Sophak Chakrya
Water Resources Ministry issues Mekong flood warning
Water Resources and Meteorology Minister Lim Kean Hor has ordered all provincial department directors to be prepared for Mekong river floods as water from the river has started to overflow. Ya Voeun, Tboung Khmum provincial water department director, yesterday said that the water level of the ...
Mom Kunthear
When the river runs dry
Cambodia’s silent heartbeat is slowing. On the banks of Cambodia’s largest lake, fields that would normally be flooded with rich water lie fallow under the sun. Inches from the stagnant water, painted eyes stare from the prows of garish boats, their pilots sifting through baskets ...
Evie Breese
NCDM: Deaths from natural disasters down 88% this year
Deaths due to natural disasters in the first eight months of the year were down 88 per cent on the same period last year, data from the National Committee for Disaster Management (NCDM) obtained by The Post on Monday showed. Natural disasters killed 87 people and ...
NCDM: Deaths from natural disasters down 88% this year
Deaths due to natural disasters in the first eight months of the year were down 88 per cent on the same period last year, data from the National Committee for Disaster Management (NCDM) obtained by The Post on Monday showed. Natural disasters killed 87 people and ...
Khouth Sophak Chakrya
River of no return: Mekong faces grim future
The Mekong River is again striking record lows, threatening crop production, fish stocks and the livelihoods of 70 million people amid rampant over-development and dire warnings. But this year’s drought, the second in three years, could mark a turning point and a bleak future.Scientists, backed ...
Luke Hunt
Hundreds in Vietnam Protest Dam Upgrade, Fearing Floods
Hundreds of residents in a largely Catholic district of central Vietnam’s Quang Binh province protested on Thursday to oppose the enlargement of a local dam, saying that an increase in the dam’s height will raise the risk of floods, Vietnamese sources said. The Rao Nan Dam ...
Myanmar scrambles to rescue flood victims as landslide kills dozens
Myanmar troops and rescue services have scrambled to provide aid in flood-hit parts of the country after rising waters caused by the annual monsoon rains forced residents to flee by boat and a landslide killed at least 52 people. The deluge has tested disaster response after the ...