New crisis seen as unlikely, economists say, but caution urged

Economists have urged caution while watching for a continuing recovery, recalling the adage about the frog that died by failing to notice that the pot of water it was sitting in was slowly coming to a boil. “It is almost a consensus among economists that the ...

Vietnam's Vung Ang port vital for shipment of Lao goods

Vietnam has announced it will continue to create favourable conditions for the transit of Lao goods via Vung Ang Port in central Vietnam’s Ha Tinh province. This was relayed by Vietnamese Deputy Minister of Transport Le Dinh Tho to Laos’ Minister of Planning and Investment ...

Exports of breast milk halted

The government on March 20 temporarily banned the export of breast milk from Cambodian women to the US market, citing fears that children’s nutrition may be neglected. The decision to halt exports from Ambrosia Labs – the only company currently collecting Cambodian breast milk to ...

Warning on Vietnamese pork

The public has been warned not to eat pork from Vietnam after an outbreak of a serious disease in pig farms across the border. The Agriculture Ministry’s department of animal health and production is enforcing additional precautionary measures to ensure contaminated pork from Vietnam does ...

Myanmar braces for 30% drop in foreign investment

Foreign investment in Myanmar appears poised to plunge roughly 30% for the year ending March 31 amid the absence of new oil and gas projects, highlighting the need for the government to lure other industries with deregulation and firm economic policy plans. Myanmar received about $6 billion ...

Industry development level low

Nguyen Chi Sang, director general of the National Research Institute of Mechanical Engineering, speaks to Thoi bao Kinh te Viet Nam (Viet Nam Economic Times) about the need for workable policies. How do you assess our industrial development, particularly in engineering? Looking back at the development ...

Problem of producing cheap biofuel from cassava solved

The state’s research agency and energy policymakers have finally discovered a way to produce biofuel from cassava at a competitive cost, says a senior Energy Ministry official. Previously the use of cassava in ethanol production was not viable despite the abundance of the shrub, because ...

SteelAsia offers to revive defunct National Steel

To ride the infrastructure boom, SteelAsia Manufacturing Corporation has offered to acquire the mothballed National Steel Corporation in Iligan city. SteelAsia is the largest reinforced steel bar maker in Southeast Asia, while NSC was once the largest steel mill in Asia until it failed to ...

Denmark prohibits companies from selling Myanmar teak on European Union markets

Denmark last week placed an injunction on all Danish companies that prohibits them from selling teak imported from Myanmar on European markets. The ruling comes after evidence that Danish timber company Keflico had violated the European Union Timber Regulation was brought to light by the ...

Energizing EU-ASEAN trade

EU Trade Commissioner Cecilia Malmström visited Manila recently to discuss trade with ASEAN Economic Ministers. The summit was a milestone in itself as the Ministers discussed the next steps toward the resumption of the ASEAN-EU Free Trade Agreement negotiations as well as ways to enhance ...

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