Social development

Family, children and youth

Religious leaders take stand on violence against women

Religious leaders from four major faiths in Myanmar called for an end to violence and discrimination against women during an International Women’s Day debate in Yangon over the weekend. The three-hour discussion was organised by UN Women and Religions for Peace, a Yangon-based interfaith group bringing together ...

Experts share int'l experiences on youth development policy

Investing in young people and safeguarding their rights is essential for their development and for their families, communities and countries. Experts agreed to share international experiences on youth development policy at a workshop held on 2 March in Hanoi by the Ministry of Home Affairs (MOHA), with ...

High prevalence of domestic violence during pregnancy: research

One in three, or 35 per cent of Vietnam’s pregnant women, are victims of domestic violence, mostly at the hands of husbands, according to doctors at Hanoi Medical University (HMU). Dr Nguyen Hoang Thanh from the HMU revealed the shocking data as part of a research ...

Taungtha facing water crisis as wells dry up

The spectre of drought is already hanging over a Mandalay township, where villagers are being forced to pay K50,000 per load of water as their wells dry up. Taungtha township, Mandalay Region, has been facing water shortages as nearby lakes and wells go dry, said Ko ...

Cambodia’s young seek change as demographics shift

Thy Sovantha, Cambodia’s youngest political star, is still seething. A charismatic student, she rocketed to fame during the 2013 elections when she backed the opposition’s effort to unseat Cambodia’s authoritarian ruler. Her Facebook page drew hundreds of thousands of followers, making her, at 18, perhaps the ...

Thailand's NLA passes teen mom prevention bill

The National Legislative Assembly Thursday passed the final reading of a bill aimed at reducing pregnancies among teenage girls. The bill was passed in the third reading with 179 votes while six NLA members abstained. Keep reading ...

Students debate forest protection measures

A group of university students in Phnom Penh on 31 January organised a debate on how to protect Prey Lang, with the winners standing to receive a trip to the critical forest preserve. The “Prey Lang Forum”, held at Zaman University in Phnom Penh, sought to raise ...

Students debate forest protection measures

A group of university students in Phnom Penh on 31 January organised a debate on how to protect Prey Lang, with the winners standing to receive a trip to the critical forest preserve. The “Prey Lang Forum”, held at Zaman University in Phnom Penh, sought to raise ...

SOS Children's Villages Laos achieve great success

SOS Children’s Villages Laos have attained remarkable outcomes throughout the past years, thanks to the support and assistance provided by SOS International, SOS Asia, friendly countries and donor organisations. National Director of SOS Children’s Villages Laos Mr Soumata Dengchampa made the observation in his introductory remarks ...

Party advises Youth Union on its political role

The Party Central Committee has called on the Lao People’s Revolutionary Youth Union’s (Youth Union) committees at all levels to uphold their political responsibilities and actively implement the Party’s directives, to ensure today’s youth develop strong political attributes. Member of the Politburo and Party Central Committee ...

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