Social development

Family, children and youth

ASEAN youngsters seek ways to end gender violence, promote equality

Youth representatives from 10 ASEAN countries, including over 100 Vietnamese youngsters, discussed challenges and solutions to achieving gender equality in ASEAN by 2030 during a dialogue in Hanoi on October 10. The wider dialogue closed a five-day training course on the role of youth in ensuring ...

Health care, mobility to take center stage in ASEAN region: experts

Southeast Asia is expected to see greater demand for health care services, for services that increase the mobility of its populations, and for entertainment, experts said Wednesday, attributing these trends to the rise of the middle class in the region and to its relatively young ...

Children in sex industry of ASEAN cry for implementation of legally binding agreements

A report by ILOs in 2017 estimated that 152 million children are involved in child labor worldwide, of which 73 million are in hazardous work, including situations where they are engaged in child prostitution. Addressing child prostitution is an important part of addressing child labor. Keep ...

Students from Lancang-Mekong region join innovation training camp

An innovation and entrepreneurship training camp was launched on Thursday at Fudan University with 30 university students from six countries along the Lancang-Mekong River. The participants were winners of the third Youth Innovation Competition on Lancang-Mekong Region’s Governance, which was held in January 2018 in ...

Young ASEAN leaders contribute ideas to protect Mekong Delta environment

Some 120 young leaders from the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) contributed their ideas to protecting the environment in the Mekong Delta of Vietnam at a workshop which opened in Can Tho city on June 5. The event, which runs until June 9, was ...

Myanmar stalling on end to child soldier recruitment: UN

Myanmar has not done enough to fulfil its promise to end the use of child soldiers and underage recruitment may even be on the rise, a top UN official said Tuesday. The military and a number of rebel groups have for years drafted underage soldiers to ...

Revised sex education curriculum planned for secondary schools

The government and the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), together with civil society organisations, are discussing the inclusion of comprehensive sexuality education in the curriculum at lower and upper secondary schools. Keep reading ...

Save the Children to open office in the Mekong Delta of Vietnam and Can Tho city

Save the Children is planning to open a representative office in the Mekong Delta of Vietnam, and Can Tho city, as the growth engine of the region, is suitable to be the location of this office, said the organization’s Country Director Dragana Strinic.  Keep reading ...

JENESYS 2017 youth exchange programme

This programme was planned to promote the “New Tokyo Strategy 2015 for Mekong-Japan Cooperation (MJC2015)” adopted on July 4 2015 at the seventh Mekong-Japan summit.The programme aims to reinforce Mekong-Japan cooperation, especially by strengthening “soft” connectivity. In this regard, this programme focuses on management and ...

Say Tola

Elderly social pension for 2017/18 to be allocated in June

The government has allocated a budget of K420 million for social pensions for the elderly for the 2017-2018 fiscal year budget. The cash will be handed out to senior citizens within the last two weeks of June, according to the Ministry of Social Welfare, Relief ...

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