Social development
In Laos, price of free speech a heavy one
The imprisonment of Houayheuang “Muay” Xayabouly, a young, female Lao environmentalist turned internet activist who simply asked for help for flood victims, should be a matter of deep concern to the international community. On Sept 5, 2018, Muay used her 17-minute-long Facebook Live broadcast to counter ...
Netiwit Chotiphatphaisal & Adam Bemma
Vietnam: LGBT Youth Unprotected
Pervasive myths about sexual orientation and gender identity in Vietnam contribute to violence and discrimination which is felt strongly among lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) youth, Human Rights watch said in a report released today. The 65-page report, “‘My Teacher Said I Had a Disease’: Barriers to ...
Vietnam builds new national strategy on gender equality
More than 80 experts from governmental agencies, domestic and international organizations, and academia attended “The launching workshop on the review of the National Strategy on Gender Equality and the development of the new National Strategy on Gender Equality 2021-2030” in Hanoi on December 6. The workshop ...
CHRC seeks to end LGBT discrimination
The Cambodian Human Rights Committee president spoke during a pro-LGBT event in Phnom Penh on Saturday and called on the public to end discrimination and prevent violence against the community. The event, organised by Rainbow Community Kampuchea, was held during International Human Rights Day. CHRC president Keo ...
Pech Sotheary
Course organisers assess scheme to provide rural women with job skills
The Lao Women’s Union and the Republic of Korea’s Ministry of Gender Equality and Family have joined forces to provide vocational training for Lao women, to improve their job prospects. A meeting to discuss the management of the project took place on Friday at the Lao ...
Women’s jobs under threat from AI
Technological advancements and artificial intelligence (AI) are revolutionising manufacturing for industries around the world. The International Federation of Robotics estimates that by 2020, the worldwide stock of operational industrial robots would have increased to 3,053,000 units, with the capability to help produce cars, electronics and ...
Liyana Hasnan
Better awareness of women’s political participation needed: minister
It is necessary to further promote public awareness of women’s empowerment, especially their political participation, although the percentage of women in Vietnam’s parliament is currently higher than the global average, said a minister. At a conference reviewing the 10-year implementation of the Law on Gender Equality held in Hanoi ...
ASEAN’s Transformative Journey: Role Of Women In Peace And Security – Analysis
ASEAN has embarked on exploring how to implement the Women, Peace and Security (WPS) agenda in the region. It has recently organised “an inaugural inter-sectoral dialogue on WPS issues in the ASEAN region” to support Member States implement the Joint Statement on WPS adopted at ...
Dr. Noeleen Heyzer
Planning department boosts women’s leadership potential
The Department of Planning under the Ministry of Planning and Investment hosted a one-day training seminar on “Smart Leadership for Women” aiming to enhance the capacity of its female staff. The department’s Director General, Ms Phonevanh Outhavong, and Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Planning and ...
Meeting reviews headway in reducing gender-based violence
The government and development partners have reviewed progress in implementing the ‘Bringing Justice Closer to Women Suffering from Gender Based Violence’ project from 2016-2019. The Vientiane National Commission for the Advancement of Women and Mother-Child (NCAWMC) and Sub Commission for the Advancement of Women on Friday ...