The Bangkok Post

Laos dam leaks normal, says Thai partner

Reported leaks at the sides of the Nam Theun 1 Hydropower dam under construction in Laos were not a cause for concern and were normal when a dam began storing water, Electricity Generating Plc president Thepparat Theppitak said on Monday. EGCO, a subsidiry of the Electricity ...


Social media's role in tackling crime

Social media can play a role in stopping crime, but it can also contribute to the exploitation of children and youths, according to police. Last Monday, a woman suspected of offering her daughter to clients for sex on the internet was arrested following the help of ...

Kingdom to gain from production of hemp

The government is aiming to make Thailand a regional manufacturing centre for hemp products in the next five years to generate at least 25 billion baht in income, said Industry Minister Suriya Jungrungreangkit on Sunday. The plan is projected to add more value to hemp grown ...


Villagers protest Yuam River diversion project

Residents from 46 villages in Mae Hong Son and Chiang Mai petitioned the chairman of the National Environment Board (NEB) and Deputy Prime Minister Prawit Wongsuwon to scrap the planned diversion of Yuam River. The petition was filed at Mae Hong Son’s complaint centre in Sop ...


Lancang-Mekong 'soft connectivity'

China has collectively consulted, contributed to and shared in the development of the Lancang-Mekong region with the five Mekong countries — Thailand, Myanmar, Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam — over the past five years, helping to promote economic sustainability and connectivity. The Lancang-Mekong Cooperation (LMC) framework is ...

Duan Haosheng and Liu Yunkang

A win for Kru Ti and the Mekong River

Over the past 20 years, Niwat Roykaew, a teacher, activist and founder of the Chiang Khong Conservation Group in Chiang Rai province has been campaigning to bolster the grassroots movement he initiated to protect the Mekong River, a crucial lifeline for countries in the Mekong ...


We need new weapons against packaging waste

Last month, researchers found microplastics — small, microscopic pieces of plastic fragments — within human lungs for the first time. This comes on the heels of news that microplastics were found in human blood, which may travel around the body and enter organs. Microplastics find their ...


Cooperation key on Mekong issues

In the coming months, the Mekong River Commission (MRC) will host a unique competition for university students from our four member countries: Cambodia, Laos, Thailand and Vietnam. The objective is to see which team can develop the most effective, cost-efficient and sustainable technology to monitor water ...


Asean needs a Middle Path

Despite the economic downturn during the Covid-19 pandemic, China-sponsored infrastructure, trade and cooperation initiatives with Southeast Asian nations have been moving forward consistently — amplifying the presence of Beijing in one of the world’s fastest growing regions. One recent landmark event was the inauguration of the ...


Illegal job seekers caught in Kanchanaburi, Chiang Mai

Border patrols on Sunday arrested a total of 126 Myanmar people who illegally crossed the border into Kanchanaburi and Chiang Mai provinces. In Kanchanaburi, 38 men and 38 women were found by a patrol of the Surasee Task Force hiding in bushes beside a pineapple plantation ...


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