
Tigers, jaguars under threat from tropical hydropower projects: Study

The flooding of land for hydroelectric dams has affected more than one-fifth of the world’s tigers (Panthera tigris) and one in two hundred jaguars (Panthera onca), according to the findings of a new study published Dec. 9 in the journal Communications Biology. Seen by some as a low-carbon solution ...

Carolyn Cowan

Comment on “Designing river flows to improve food security futures in the Lower Mekong Basin”

Sabo et al. (Research Articles, 8 December 2017, p. 1270) used statistical relationships between flow and catch in a major Lower Mekong Basin fishery to propose a flow regime that they claim would increase catch, if implemented by proposed dams. However, their catch data were not ...

John G. Williams, Peter B. Moyle, Ashley S. Halls

When There Are No More Fish

Climate change, drought, and development have devastated Cambodia’s Tonle Sap Lake, which feeds millions across Southeast Asia[]Governments along the Mekong insist dams are necessary to supply electricity to growing populations and industries. The costs are steep. One model, carried out by a team from Stanford ...

Abby Seiff

Cambodia, Vietnam to Suffer Most from Mekong Damming

The drastic reduction in sediment flow in the Mekong River is threatening the stability of the delta and the livelihoods of millions of people who depend on its resources says a new study by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (Unesco) and the ...

AEC News Today Reporter

Designing river flows to improve food security futures in the Lower Mekong Basin

Hydropower dams radically alter river flow regimes, often with consequences for the functioning and productivity of the waters downstream. Where fisheries in large tropical river systems are affected, there can be knock-on effects on food security. For the Mekong River, Sabo et al. used a data-based time series ...

Science Magazine Reporter

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