ABC Australian News

Modern slavery: Corporations take action to free some of the 40 million slave workers

When one of the biggest food companies in the world, Nestle, found slavery in its supply chains in 2015 it made a public admission, a move praised by anti-slavery groups.[]The company’s investigation found many of the workers were from Myanmar and Cambodia. Some had been ...

Imogen Brennan

Typhoon Tembin moves from Philippines to Vietnam as death toll rises to 230

Hundreds of thousands of people in Vietnam’s Mekong Delta have been evacuated as the region braces for the arrival of Tropical Storm Tembin, which left more than 230 people dead in the Philippines.Keep reading ...

ABC Reporter

Call for more Australian leadership as hunger rises in South-East Asia

Efforts to eradicate hunger are stalling within the Asia Pacific, with almost 500 million people in the region lacking access to sufficient food.[]”However, in the last one or two years, it’s countries in South-East Asia, particularly in the Mekong region being Myanmar and Thailand and ...

Brett Worthington

New era of big dam building on the Mekong?

More than 50 years have passed since Australian engineers from the Snowy Hydroelectric Authority did site studies for the huge Sambor Dam on the Mekong River in Cambodia, but the mega project is now back on the drawing board.​ The Cambodian Government has signalled it ...

All imported raw prawns to be pulled for white spot testing; fears that prices will rise

There are fears the price of prawns is about to go “through the roof” following a decision by the Federal Government to recall all imported raw prawns. The importation of green, or uncooked, prawns into Australia was suspended in January, but prawn farmers have expressed ...

White spot in prawns the latest in biosecurity failures highlighting impact of cuts to staff, research

After a huge increase in exotic pests and diseases, Australian agriculture and environmentalists are demanding more focus on biosecurity.​ The past five years of failures ranges from the attacking red fire ants, banana diseases, myrtle rust and a melon disease to an exotic disease in ...

Australian charity to send Northern Territory cattle to Cambodian families

An Australian charity has bought 150 Brahman breeders from a Northern Territory Government research farm to send to Cambodia. Cows for Cambodia loans Cambodian families pregnant cows to look after until they have a calf, which the family keeps as payment. The Northern Territory cattle, ...

Cambodia's water people pushed out of Phnom Penh sewer for billion-dollar ING City

For decades, the vast lakes and wetlands fringing Cambodia’s capital have been home to thousands of people making a living from the water — fishing and harvesting vegetables for market. Now they face eviction, as politically well-connected land speculators push them out. “If they fill ...

Popular Thai beach forced to close to tourists before 'damage is beyond repair'

Authorities in Thailand are set to close the island of Koh Tachai because of the impact heavy tourism has had on natural resources and the environment. “We have to close [the island] to allow the rehabilitation of the environment, both on the island and in the ...

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