Brink Asia

Reducing Inequality in ASEAN with Blockchain

The poverty rate in ASEAN has been reduced significantly, and the quality of life has improved for a vast number of the region’s 625 million residents. The ASEAN reported in 2017 that since 1990, the region has seen a dramatic reduction in the proportion of ...

One belt, one road: China’s grand enterprise

Dubbed by some as a modern-day Marshall Plan, China’s One Belt, One Road (OBOR) initiative will build roads, ports and railway tracks along ancient trading routes to Asia, Europe, the Middle East and Africa. Launched in 2013 by President Xi Jinping, OBOR is a China-backed ...

Risk and the public balance sheet in Asia: a work in progress

While there are natural catastrophes all over the world, Asia is a unique confluence of people and perils.​ More than half of the world’s population lives in Eastern, Southern and Southeast Asia. The region hosts more than 1.6 billion urban inhabitants and seven of the ...

ASEAN energy cooperation: the only way to prevent ‘lights out’ in the region

The countries comprising Southeast Asia have witnessed steady economic growth and improving living standards since the Asian Financial Crisis. Having weathered the global fiscal and financial crisis better than most other parts of the world, Southeast Asia has become the third-fastest growing region in the ...

The AIIB and shifting economic dynamics in Southeast Asia

The China-led Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, which seeks to help plug Asia’s infrastructure-funding gap, has begun shifting the economic balance of power and influence in Southeast Asia, a region in which Japan and the United States have traditionally been the key external economic players. While ...

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