The Irrawaddy
Thailand and Burma restart border demarcation talks

Thailand and Burma have agreed to renew negotiations over disputed border demarcations, which had stalled under Burma’s previous government. The agreement was reached during State Counselor Aung San Suu Kyi’s recent visit to Thailand, according to Burma’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Observers say that Thailand wants to ...
Observers urge Govt to create new export markets, boost trade volume

A recent World Bank report says that trade growth in Myanmar could reduce poverty and boost prosperity, but local observers say in order for that to happen the government must implement economic policies that increase export markets. The Myanmar Diagnostic Trade Integration Study released last week by the ...
Govt peace delegation asks ethnic groups to disarm

Myanmar government peace delegation led by Dr. Tin Myo Win has told three ethnic armed groups of the Arakan, Palaung and Kokang ethnicities not to attack the Myanmar Army and to disarm so that they will be invited to join the upcoming peace conference, sources say. The ...
Censorship harms Myanmar’s chance for reconciliation

The Human Rights Human Dignity film festival could not screen its opening film Twilight over Myanmar: My Life as a Shan Princess in Yangon this week. Myanmar’s film censorship board banned the film because it could allegedly tarnish the image of the Myanmar Army and harm ethnic ...
Authorities visit disputed coal power plant in Mon State

Authorities in Mon State for the first time visited a Thai cement factory where a coal power plant was built without informing locals or authorities, said local sources. The Mawlamyine Cement Limited factory officers said that they intended to use coal power if the government could ...
Financial commission moves to reapportion union budget

The Financial Commission hopes to reapportion the 2016-17 Union Budget, looking to allocate more funds to the education, health and social welfare sectors. Zaw Htay, President’s Office spokesperson, told The Irrawaddy on 16 June that Vice President Myint Swe manages the budgets of Union-level ministries and agencies, ...
Orlando shooting gives LGBT Singaporeans an unlikely opening

A tragedy half a world away has created an unlikely opening for a repressed community in Singapore. The mass shooting at a gay club in Orlando, Florida, has galvanized LGBT people in Singapore, where a candlelight vigil was held on 14 June to express solidarity with the ...
UNFC proposes more negotiations prior to Suu Kyi meeting

The United Nationalities Federal Council, an alliance of nine ethnic armed groups, has told Burma’s peace delegation that it would like to hold additional talks with lead negotiator Dr. Tin Myo Win before meeting State Counselor Aung San Suu Kyi. Tun Zaw, the secretary of the ...
Heavy downpours continue to batter Arakan State

Heavy rain and severe flooding continue to devastate parts of Arakan State, a spokesperson for the Arakan State Government, told The Irrawaddy on 13 June. Arakan State’s Ministry of Social Welfare and Ministry of Electric Power, Industry, and Roads and Communications reportedly intend to visit flood-affected ...
Over-extraction, Chinese slowdown blamed for jade price slump

Industry insiders have blamed an economic slowdown in China, over-extraction in jade mines, and market uncertainty linked to the transition of power to a democratically elected government in Burma. More than 850 licenses have been issued to firms at over 8,000 sites since private companies ...