Electricity production

Renewable energy production

What does world leading consultant suggest Vietnam to unlock offshore wind potential?

First and foremost, Vietnam needs to declare its official ambitions and targets for offshore wind, according to DNV GL.  Vietnam needs to have a full assessment of offshore wind power to tap huge potential formed by its geographic advantages, according to DNV GL – the world’s ...

Cambodia’s Dam Troubles, Power Woes Seen as Arguments For More Solar Energy Use

When the lights literally went out in many parts of Cambodia in February and stayed off in some areas during the following months, people immediately pointed their fingers at Prime Minister Hun Sen. They accused the mercurial autocrat who has ruled the country for more than ...

Southeast Asia's energy majors pivot sharply to green power

Southeast Asian energy companies, long dependent on fossil fuels, are rapidly turning to renewable energy to answer the mounting demand for electricity in the fast-developing region.  In Indonesia, StarEnergy looks to capitalize on native geothermal resources, made possible by the more than 100 active volcanoes that ...

ASEAN countries lag on renewable energy

Renewable energy sources include mainly biomass, waste to energy technology, wind, solar, run-of-river, impounding hydropower sources, ocean, geothermal and hybrid systems. The current renewable energy surge is due largely to booming solar panel deployment in China and throughout the world. It grew by 50 per ...

Lao government, World Bank assess renewable energy development in southern river basin

The Lao government and the International Finance Corporation (IFC), a member of the World Bank Group, are conducting a basin-wide Cumulative Impact Assessment (CIA) of renewable energy development in southern Laos’ Xekong River Basin. According to local online newspaper Vientiane Times on Sunday, it is the ...

Vietnam goes solar

With electricity demand in Vietnam growing 12 percent annually, the Vietnamese government has set a goal to generate 265 billion kilowatt-hours (kWh) of electricity by 2020 and 570 billion kWh of electricity by 2030. This is to meet the surging demand for power resulting from ...

Solar Lessons for ASEAN from Thailand's Feed-in Tariff Success

Feed-in tariffs (FITs) are innocuous yet powerful financial tools that enable countries to rapidly build solar or other renewables when supply chains have not had time to develop. While it is true that globally the cost of solar and wind continues to decline, large discrepancies ...

Water stress and its link to renewables in ASEAN

The renewable energy sector in Southeast Asia has progressed in leaps and bounds. From the harnessing of biomass to the use of water in generating electricity, there is room for tremendous economic growth as well as the obvious positive of caring for an ailing environment.  Keep ...

Arief Subhan

Solar Surge Threatens Hydro Future on Mekong

Thousands of megawatts of wind and solar energy contracts in the Mekong region of Southeast Asia have been signed, seriously challenging the financial viability of major hydropower projects on the river, an energy expert told a water conference last week. Keep reading ...

David Boyle

Solar, wind may boost Mekong region energy

Water management in the Mekong region is, in practice, dominated by energy objectives. In Cambodia, the priority is to substitute domestically produced hydropower for expensive diesel and electricity imports. In Laos, the priority is to generate revenue by drawing in foreign investment in dams and export ...

VNS Reporter

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