Environment and natural resources
Cross-border cooperation crucial to conserve wildlife
A heavy mist hung over the Mekong River as the first arrest under Thailand’s new Wildlife Preservation and Protection Act took place at Cham Pong Pier, the entry point for the Cham Pong morning market. This market, located in Wiang Kaen district, Chiang Rai province, ...
Mia Signs
‘Death by plastic’ for animals must spur Southeast Asia to tackle waste crisis
The animal is dead. It can be a fish, bird, mammal or reptile. An autopsy is conducted and inevitably reams of plastic are discovered in its stomach. When I wake up every morning, I step into my bathroom and survey the shelves. There are rows of ...
Karim Raslan
No trace of aquamarine hue found in Kingdom
The Mekong River in some parts of the region including Thailand and Laos has taken on a blue-green hue due to the extremely low flows, according to the Mekong River Commission (MRC). In a press release issued on Monday, the MRC said its preliminary analysis showed ...
Ry Sochan
Vans loaded with timber seized in Kratie province
Kratie provincial military police have seized two vans full of illegal timber and are seeking to identify the source of the timber and those behind its transportation. Mao Rainny, Kratie provincial deputy military police commander, yesterday said that provincial military police cooperated with National Military Police ...
Mom Kunthear
Mekong River Commission issues warning about blue-green water
With parts of the Mekong River turning an unusual blue-green, an inter-governmental commission has warned of possibly serious consequences if water levels stay low in the increasing dammed river. The Mekong River Commission (MRC) said on Monday (Dec 9) the aquamarine hue currently seen in a ...
Tan Hui Yee
Mekong River's new colour a sign of trouble
The Mekong River has recently acquired an aquamarine colour that may beguile tourists but also indicates a problem caused by upstream dams, experts say. The river usually has a yellowish-brown shade due to the sediment it normally carries downstream. But lately it has been running clear, ...
The Price of Recycling Old Laptops: Toxic Fumes in Thailand’s Lungs
Crouched on the ground in a dimly lit factory, the women picked through the discarded innards of the modern world: batteries, circuit boards and bundles of wires. They broke down the scrap — known as e-waste — with hammers and raw hands. Men, some with faces ...
Hannah Beech and Ryn Jirenuwat
Forest fire season sparks warning
The Environment Ministry has issued guidelines to all provincial departments and local authorities to aid in the prevention of forest fires during the dry season. Environment Ministry spokesman Neth Pheaktra yesterday said forest fires in the country often occur during the dry season. He said his ministry ...
Mom Kunthear
Mekong River’s new aquamarine color may be sign of trouble
The Mekong River has recently acquired an aquamarine color that may beguile tourists but also indicates a problem caused by upstream dams, experts in Thailand say. The river usually has a yellowish-brown shade due to the sediment it normally carries downstream. But lately it has been ...
Busaba Sivasomboon | AP
Govt reviews forest management as Dutch police seize Myanmar teak
The government is set to review the country’s forest management strategy as it faces an uphill struggle against deforestation and illegal logging, a senior forestry official said. U Than Soe, director of the Department of Forestry, said the review of the 2016plan will look into compliance, ...
Khin Su Wai