
Open Development Vietnam publishes Vietnam Digital Transformation Agenda page.

Open Development Vietnam recently published the Vietnam digital transformation agenda, describing the country’s progress in digitalization. Vietnam focuses on three strategic pillars of digital government, digital economy, and digital society – each has been analyzed with pros and cons.  Read more ...

Open Development Mekong updates topic pages on "Government" and "Environment and Natural Resources"

Open Development Mekong just updated two topic pages on “Government” and “Environment and Natural Resources” concerning recent situations in the Mekong region.  Access the Government page. Access the Environment and Natural Resources page.  ...

Open Development Myanmar publishes a new topic page on COVID-19 and the 2020 Myanmar Election

Open Development Myanmar (ODMm) recently published a new topic page on COVID-19 and the 2020 Myanmar Election, available in English and Burmese. Myanmar is preparing for a multi-party democratic general election, to be held on 8 November 2020. Myanmar’s previous election was held in 2015. ...

Open Development Myanmar publishes a new topic page on "COVID-19’s impact on employment on women in Myanmar"

Open Development Myanmar (ODMm) recently published a new topic page on “COVID-19’s impact on employment on women in Myanmar,” available in English and Burmese. Impacts of the pandemic on the employment are seen a high proportion of informal works. Women are significantly more likely than men ...

Open Development Myanmar publishes a new topic page on Taxation

There is a large information gap when it comes to taxation in Myanmar. For example, in a survey of urban taxpayers, 89% of respondents either agreed or strongly agreed to the statement, “I wish I had clearer information on what taxes I am supposed to ...

Open Development Myanmar publishes a new page on Government

Open Development Myanmar (ODMm) publishes a new page on Government in English. The page covers:System of governmentNational governmentAdministrative divisionsElectionsQuality of governanceCorruptionCivil warInternational relationsClick here to view the Government page.  ...

Open Development Cambodia publishes three new datasets on “Results of the 4th mandate of commune/sangkat council election 2017”

Open Development Cambodia (ODC) has published three new datasets on the results of the 4th mandate of commune/sangkat council election 2017, available in both Khmer and English. These datasets shows the official result of the recent commune election at provincial level by three classifications:  (1) number ...

Open Development Cambodia publishes new dataset​ on Commune/Sangkat Council election results (2012)

Open Development Cambodia (ODC) has published a new dataset on the results of the 2012 Commune/Sangkat Council elections. This dataset shows the official result of the commune council election for the third legislature issued by National Election Committee (NEC) on June 24, 2012, illustrating the total number ...

Open Development Cambodia publishes new research briefing: budget and public procurement

Open Development Cambodia  has published a briefing with data visualizations on Cambodia’s budget and public procurement. In the last three years, Cambodia’s national budget has seen significant growth of around US$ 1.6 billion, from US$ 3.4 billion in 20141 to US$ 5 billion in 2017.2 This is ...

Open Development Cambodia publishes a new profile page on data: services and fees

Open Development Cambodia publishes a new profile page on “Data: services and fees” under Access to public services in both Khmer and English, including information on: public services for transportation, the civil registration service, service charges for electricity hook up and disconnection from Electricity of ...

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