Law and judiciary
Fewer Vietnam traffic accidents in 2015

Vietnam has seen a sharp decrease in the number and the severity of traffic accidents in recent years. Compared to 2011, the number of traffic accidents in 2015 has gone down by 51 per cent, the number of fatalities and injured down by 24 per ...
Yangon police open almost 100 election-related cases

Yangon Region police say 95 cases have been opened due to complaints filed in relation to the 8 November election. The majority involve alleged infractions of electoral laws, but 18 are being considered under other laws, such as the criminal code, the Electronic Transactions Law and ...
Kachin civil society group seeks charges over landslide
A Kachin civil society network is seeking to bring charges against the operator of the Hpakant jade mine which dumped the tailings that collapsed in a massive landslide on November 21, according to an area resident. The confirmed death toll from the landslide had risen to ...
Cambodia and Laos to team up over border
The Defence Ministry is establishing a Cambodian-Lao border commission in the interest of combating cross-border crime and facilitating frontier demarcation between the two countries. Keep reading ...
Vietnam Coast Guard seizes armed Thai ship for oil smuggling

A Thai ship has been caught selling oil illegally to a Vietnamese fishing boat in southwestern waters, the Vietnam Coast Guard said in a statement. V.Lucky with five Thai crewmen was carrying 170,000 liters of diesel and pumping the oil to a Vietnamese fishing boat that ...
Publisher, four others jailed over calendar
A Muslim publisher and four others have been detained in Insein Prison for attempting to produce a calendar containing quotes from government officials in the 1950s and 1960s using the term “Rohingya”. The calendar contains quotes from speeches by former prime minister U Nu and other ...
Myanmar MPs push for changes to Arms Act
Myanmar’s pre-colonial law on weapons should be updated on the basis of expert advice, two upper-house members of parliament say. U Shu Maung, Amyotha Hluttaw MP for Shan State constituency 8, said the act appeared to take different forms in upper and lower Myanmar and ...
Police break up drug ring on Vietnam-Laos border

Authorities in the north-central province of Quang Tri busted on 23 November an illicit ring that supplied drugs and unlawfully organized gambling near the Vietnam-Laos border. Quang Tri border guards, in coordination with police in Laos’ Savannakhet Province and relevant agencies, launched a raid on the ...
Yangon authorities losing the battle against betel

It’s enough to make you want to spit. Efforts by Yangon city authorities to control the “undisciplined” ejection of crimson betel juice are just not working, officials say. First they tried placing plastic boxes filled with sand at junctions and bus-stops. Their latest scheme is the ...
Laos drives home pertinent road safety message from international conference
Delegations from multiple continents are meeting in the capital of South America’s most populous country Brazil for the 2nd Global High Level Conference on Road Safety, a two-day international symposium aiming to keep traffic safety efforts on the agenda at a time when there are ...