Back to the land: Thai forest draws young, green farmers

Like many locals, Matthana Abhaimoon left rural Thailand to study in the city. Unlike most, she chose to come back – and fight for her right to farm in the forest as her forefathers had done. After a 20-year campaign, residents of Mae Tha won a ...

Rina Chandran

The changing face of Cambodian leadership

Eight years since ascending into a leadership position with the most active human rights organisation in Cambodia, Chak Sopheap has never forgotten a debate she had with herself about whether she should accept the promotion.  The story of a young, female leader would be an inspiration ...


Gender Equality Advocate Retires, Paves Way for Second Wave of Activism

Ros Sopheap was sipping ginger tea and lemonade in July when she decided to retire after more than two decades of activism that pushed for gender inclusivity and women’s empowerment. She will step down as the head of Gender and Development for Cambodia (GADC) later ...

Hean Socheata and Sokummono Khan,VOA Khmer

Guardians of Nature: Bold and brave women rangers of Cambodia stand tall

As Cambodia marks World Ranger Day on July 31, Khmer Times highlights a handful of bold brave, and resilient women rangers who are standing alongside men to conserve and protect the wildlife and natural resources of the protected forest. Over the years, women have navigated from ...

Sen David

Prosecuting women traffickers: breaking the cycle of double victimisation

All populations are vulnerable to human trafficking. This is a low-risk, high-reward criminal activity for male traffickers who benefit from the vulnerabilities of women. Human trafficking is enabled by patchy policing, low levels of prosecution, and underfunded prevention. Traffickers prey upon women and girls with ...

Christina Storm, Steven Baker, Rachel Tong

COVID-19 Drives New Surge in Trafficking of Women From Laos to China

Economic hardship in Lao villages caused by the COVID-19 pandemic is driving a new surge in the trafficking to China of Lao women and girls desperate to find jobs, police and other sources in the Southeast Asian country say. “Right now, our police department is working ...

Reported by RFA’s Lao Service. Translated by Max Avary. Written in English by Richard Finney.

Lao Authorities and Women’s Union Assist Trafficking Victims

Lao authorities in cooperation with the Lao Women’s Union have successfully assisted two young women who became victims of human trafficking. The young women, aged between 14 and 16 years, were to be trafficked to China following a deal brokered between their parents and a trafficking ...

Phayboune Thanabouasy

Vietnam: LGBTQ+ Pride in the Time of Coronavirus

The gay former Icelandic Prime Minister Jóhanna Sigurðardóttir said, “It is absolutely imperative that every human being’s freedom and human rights are respected, all over the world.” Sigurðardóttir’s message, delivered while defending LGBTQ+ rights at a 2014 Pride festival, would certainly have been welcomed by ...

Hugh Bohane

Myanmar Women: ‘Our Place Is In The Revolution’

Every day at sunrise, Daisy* and her sisters set out to spend several hours in the heat cleaning debris from the previous day’s protests off the streets of Yangon, Myanmar’s largest city. Protests have erupted around the country since the military seized control of the government ...

Myanmar’s Women Are on the Front Lines Against the Junta

In recent weeks, Nandar has taken to cycling. Armed with a hard hat, a face mask, and a paper sign stuck to her bike showing the words “No to dictatorship, no to patriarchy,” the 26-year-old feminist activist spends most days traversing Yangon, Myanmar, as part ...


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