Fisheries production

Community fisheries

Mining exploration set for region home to endangered river dolphins

Australian mining firm Medusa Mining has announced plans to begin exploration for gold, copper and oil in Kratie province’s Prek Kampi commune, about 35 kilometres west of a stretch of the Mekong River that is home to endangered river dolphins.Keep reading ...

Robin Spiess & Brendan O’Byrne

When There Are No More Fish

Climate change, drought, and development have devastated Cambodia’s Tonle Sap Lake, which feeds millions across Southeast Asia[]Governments along the Mekong insist dams are necessary to supply electricity to growing populations and industries. The costs are steep. One model, carried out by a team from Stanford ...

Abby Seiff

Rapid Decline in Tonle Sap Raises Alarms For Key Southeast Asian Fishery

Cambodia’s Tonle Sap, a lake known as the country’s “beating heart,” faces a more rapid decline than previously estimated, according to a new study. Experts say that urgent countermeasures are needed to save Southeast Asia’s largest freshwater lake, which has served Cambodia for millennia. Millions ...

Dan Southerland

Cambodia’s fisheries at risk due to hydropower development on Mekong, MRC warns

Hydropower development will likely deal a serious economic blow to Cambodia, with dire outlooks for its fisheries and rice outputs predicted even under best-case scenarios, according to key findings from the Mekong River Commission (MRC).Keep reading ...

Alessandro Marazzi Sassoon

New research shows hydropower dams can be managed without an all-or-nothing choice between energy and food

Nearly 100 hydropower dams are planned for construction along the tributaries and main stem of the Mekong River’s 2,700-mile stretch.[]The University of Washington, Arizona State University and other collaborators have proposed a solution in the Dec. 8 issue of Science that allows dam operators to ...

UW News staff

Designing river flows to improve food security futures in the Lower Mekong Basin

Hydropower dams radically alter river flow regimes, often with consequences for the functioning and productivity of the waters downstream. Where fisheries in large tropical river systems are affected, there can be knock-on effects on food security. For the Mekong River, Sabo et al. used a data-based time series ...

Science Magazine Reporter

Asian dolphins a step closer to extinction: group

The International Union for Conservation of Nature said on Tuesday it had changed the status of the Irrawaddy dolphin and finless porpoise, both living in Asian waters, to “endangered” from “vulnerable”, meaning they are closer to extinction.[]”In the Mekong River, for example, the majority of ...

Channel News Asia Reporter

Vietnam’s shrimp producers worried about plan to dam Mekong River

There is increasing worry in Southeast Asia about the impact on regional seafood production from Chinese plans to dam and widen the Mekong River under its “One Belt, One Road” scheme. Published at the recently concluded Congress of China’s Communist Party, the plan calls for a ...

Gao Fu Mao

A Bright Future in Cambodia’s Energy Sector?

Rather than ecologically harmful dams, Cambodia should explore solar power to fill its energy gap.[] One such project is the proposed Sambor Dam, to be located on the Mekong River’s mainstream at Sambor town, Kratie province, Cambodia. This would be one of eleven large hydropower dams ...

Sabrina Gyorvary

Citizen guards protect fish stocks on a fragile river

In the rainy season, shrubs and small trees are submerged in the Sesan River. The Sesan runs from east to west from Vietnam’s central highlands across the northern Ratanakiri region of Cambodia where it flows into the great Mekong River. [] But this community in Cambodia’s northern ...


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