Aid and development

Lao PDR: New Project to Protect Landscapes and Enhance Livelihoods

The World Bank’s Board of Executive Directors today approved a US$57 million project to help Lao PDR promote sustainable forest management, improve protected area management, and enhance livelihoods opportunities in eight provinces across the country. Project funding comes from the World Bank’s International Development Association, ...


Germany provides EUR 20 million for forest law enforcement, trade

The German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development is providing about EUR 20 million and the Lao government is contributing the equivalent of EUR 4 million as non-cash benefits for the Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade (FLEGT) project from 2021 to 2026. An agreement ...

Viengdavanh Banphahaksa

Lao PDR and World Bank sign $42 deal to reduce emissions from deforestation

The Lao PDR and the World Bank’s Forest Carbon Partnership Facility (FCPF) have signed an agreement to provide up to $42 million between now and 2025 to support the country’s efforts to reduce emissions from deforestation and forest degradation (REDD+). A ceremony today marked the launch of this ...

United States and Vietnam Convene 17 Friends of the Mekong in Support of a Secure, Prosperous, and Open Mekong Region

On January 12, the United States and Vietnam co-hosted the first Friends of the Mekong Policy Dialogue under the new Mekong-U.S. Partnership.  In his remarks, Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for East Asian and Pacific Affairs Ambassador Atul Keshap emphasized that the United States ...

U.S. Mission Cambodia

Vietnam and Thailand attract German solar energy funds

A German crowd investing platform for green energy is looking to further expand in Southeast Asia after most recently acquiring a Thai solar project.  Ecoligo bought SEA Rooftop Solar, the Thai solar subsidiary of German utility giant RWE, in December. With the deal, whose price has not been disclosed, ...


Analysis: Years in the making, Vietnam’s Mekong Delta policy takes the long view

Vietnam’s Mekong Delta is approximately the same size as the Netherlands — about 41,000 square kilometers (16,000 square miles) — and is home to 17 million people, very nearly the same population as the Netherlands. Perhaps that made dialogue easier. Unlike many foreign experts, the Dutch ...

David Brown

Cambodia, Singapore appreciate good bilateral cooperation

Cambodia and Singapore have appreciated their strong relations and good bilateral cooperation in all sectors. The appreciation was made in a farewell meeting here in Phnom Penh yesterday between Pan Sorasak, Minister of Commerce and outgoing Ambassador of Singapore Michael Tan Keng Siong. Sorasak underlined that Cambodia ...

Lim Nary – AKP

Laos’ human development improves slightly, remains at 137 out of 189 countries, territories

The Human Development Report ranks countries based on the Human Development Index (HDI) which measures average achievement on three basic aspects of human development, life expectancy, education, and per capita income. Between 1990 and 2019, the Lao PDR’s HDI value increased from 0.405 to 0.613, an ...


Germany assists Thailand to 'go green'

Industry Minister Suriya Jungrungreangkit has pledged to cooperate with the German-Thai Chamber of Commerce (GTCC) to promote clean industry, as a means of reducing pollution problems including PM2.5 and making Thai industry more sustainable. “The German-Thai Chamber of Commerce offers to help Thailand make its industrial ...

Post Reporters

Vietnam Slightly Advances on UN Human Development Index to No. 117 of 189

Over the last 30 years, Vietnam’s HDI (Human Development Index) has grown by 46%, amongst the biggest jump in the world. A United Nations report titled “Human Development and the Anthropocene” released last week places Vietnam at 117th out of 189 nations in terms of overall development. In the 2019 report, ...


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