Disasters and emergency response

Mekong River level cause for concern in Nong Khai

The Nong Khai water monitoring office under the Department of Water Resources has reported the latest height of the Mekong River at 8 meters and 63 centimeters, up by over 1 meter from the same time on September 7 and only 3.57 meters below its ...

Mekong Delta region awaits floods

The Mekong Delta, the rice, seafood and fruit granary of the country, is facing landslides and sinking, as it no longer receives enough silt because of limited floodwaters. “We have been living here for several generations and we have never seen such poor floodwaters until the ...

One year later, Chin landslide victims wary of promises still yet to be fulfilled

One year after landslides ravaged northern Chin State, and geologists recommended a relocation of the state capital, little on the ground has changed, residents say. Election promises of resettlement by Christmas were largely unmet, and families eventually moved into the new dwellings continue to lack ...

China should provide disaster relief in ASEAN region to ensure sustainability of economic ties

After a powerful earthquake rocked Myanmar on August 24, China and its neighbors should expedite cooperation over disaster relief, despite the fact that the road for promoting political and social links in East Asia and Southeast Asia is always bumpy due to the complexity of ...

Powerful earthquake hits central Myanmar

A powerful 6.8 magnitude earthquake hit central Myanmar on August 24, the US Geological Survey reported. The quake, which the agency said struck at a depth of 84 kilometres, was felt in Yangon, as well as in the Thai and Bangladesh capitals. Officials from Myanmar’s Relief ...

Battambang rice-farming families fear floods

About 40,000 Battambang rice-farming families already suffering steep losses from a severe drought are at risk of seeing their crops wiped out entirely by devastating floods as late seasonal rains start to kick in. A drought that meteorologists have blamed on the tail-end of an El ...

Mekong water levels remain at safe heights

Mekong water levels in central and southern provinces are still lower than warning levels despite heavy rain that struck the region this month. The water level of the Mekong in Vientiane on August 23 was about 10.30 m which decreased from 11 m on August 22 and was ...

Typhoon hit roads thwart travellers

Many sections of main roads in central and northern provinces have been blocked or collapsed following landslides caused by the effects of Typhoon Dianmu on the weekend. Roads falling away or being blocked have hindered buses and other vehicles making their way along major northern routes ...

Mekong dwellers get flood alert

People living along the Mekong River have been alerted to rising water levels as authorities monitor the situation and stay prepared for emergencies around the clock. The Mekong levels in the northeastern province of Nong Khai rose quickly on August 21, by 7 cm per ...

China promises to shore up border as foreign minister’s trip ends

Foreign Minister Daw Aung San Suu Kyi has ended her five-day trip to China, returning to Yangon on August 21st. The visit, which came after an invitation from China’s Premier Li Keqiang, was Daw Aung San Suu Kyi’s first major overseas trip since the National League ...

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