Customs upgrade expected to improve speed, fairness

A new customs law coming into force in November is expected to ease the country’s trade, says Customs Department director-general Kulit Sombatsiri.Keep reading ...

APEC eyes improvement to regulatory practices

Fifty delegates from APEC member-economies took part in a workshop on Traffic Light Score Methodology that began in HCM City yesterday. The methodology refers to a framework proposed by Mexico to help APEC members come up with effective regulatory practices to promote economic and social growth ...

Despite floods, rice output forecasts unchanged

Around 1 million rai of rice plantation in the Northeast was destroyed by the recent flood, but it is unlikely to have any severe effect on Thai rice production and export, with shippers and industry officials keeping rice export forecasts unchanged at 10 million tonnes.Keep ...

Improved regulatory expertise among APEC economies will enhance trade: experts

Improving the ability of regulators’ ability to conform to the Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) agreement of the World Trade Organisation (WTO) will help APEC economies avoid trade impediments and have better access to international markets, experts said at a workshop held yesterday in HCM ...

Tapioca price control planned

Thai tapioca exporters have agreed to stop lowering prices to put a lid on the losses incurred by local farmers, industry officials said last week. Members of tapioca export agencies have agreed to work together to stop cutting prices for importers, mostly Chinese, in a bid ...

US to partially rescind anti-dumping administrative review on VN shrimp

The US Department of Commerce (DOC) has rescinded an administrative review of antidumping duties on certain frozen warmwater shrimp imported from Việt Nam from February 1, 2016 through January 31, 2017, according to the Việt Nam Ministry of Industry and Trade.Keep reading ...

Cambodia and China to sign MoU on nuclear technology

Cambodia and China are close to the signing of an agreement that will bring Cambodia a step closer to developing its own nuclear technology for peaceful purposes, according to The Phnom Penh Post Online.Keep reading ...

Myanmar can raise value, volume of agriculture exports by going organic

Myanmar has potential to develop an organic market that will help to boost the value of local crops produced for export purposes and farmers’ standards of living. In fact, farmers in Myanmar already use less chemical fertilisers and pesticides compared to their neighbours, yet many are ...

Tax exemptions on diamonds, emeralds and gold approved

The Pyidaungsu Hluttaw agreed on Tuesday to stop levying special commodity tax on diamonds and emeralds, as well as commercial tax on gold nuggets. “As those items should be exempted from taxes, Hluttaw agreed to it.” Public Account Joint Committee Member and Kayin State, Hlaing Bwe ...

Fibre, yarn exports surge over last 7 months

Over 341,000 tonnes of fibre and yarn were shipped abroad for $933.4 million in the first half of this year alone, up 18.5 per cent in volume and 29.47 per cent in value, according to the General Department of Customs. Keep reading ...

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