Rivers and lakes
The Mekong
Mekong water turns greenish-blue in Nakhon Phanom
Water in the Mekong river in this northeastern border province has turned from yellowish-brown to greenish-blue — a strange phenomenon that makes the river look beautiful but could be a sign of danger, according to a local media report. The water in the Mekong river is ...
Pattanapong Sripiachai
China’s dam-building programme must take neighbours into account
The building of large dams has increasingly run into opposition in established democracies but gained momentum in autocratic states, which often tout their benefits for combating droughts and water shortages. But, as the Mekong basin illustrates, giant upstream dams can contribute to river depletion and ...
Brahma Chellaney
Asean climate crises loom after decades of abuse
Farmers along the Mekong have been told to expect a worse drought than the brutal water shortages that gripped the region before this year’s rains arrived. Severe or extreme drought is forecast to affect Cambodia, Laos, Thailand and Vietnam before the next wet season, threatening agricultural production. The Mekong ...
Taylor McDonald
The mighty Mekong at crisis point
Typically this time of the year in the Mekong Basin, the annual monsoon is beginning to taper off, the mighty river’s banks are spilling over and saturating the flood plain in Cambodia and Vietnam and the river is moving millions of tonnes of sediment alongside ...
Brian Eyler
People’s Power: Anti-Dam Movements in Southeast Asia
For more than two decades, communities in Southeast Asia have been facing threats from the expansion of hydropower development. Dams have been justified by the governments of Southeast Asian countries as the main development agenda, which would generate large amounts of income and contribute to ...
Wora Suk
'Mekong 2030' Anthology to Focus On Plight Of Mekong River
A new Luang Prabang Film Festival initiative has asked five Southeast Asian directors to focus on the vital river’s future. Five Southeast Asian directors will present their visions — and fears — for the future of the Mekong river, one of Asia’s most vital waterways, through ...
Mathew Scott
Mekong River Commission Says Dams Are Causing of Sharp Shifts in Water Levels
The Mekong River Commission Tuesday acknowledged that climate change played a role in this year’s widely varying water levels on the Mekong, but said that dam construction was the main culprit in sharp water level increases and decreases, emphasizing a need for data-sharing between countries. The ...
Eugene Whong
Taking a closer look at the MRC’s prior consultation process
About 200 people representing civil society, academics, the private sector, governments and development partners have gathered in Laos for the Mekong River Commission’s regional forum. Today, participants discussed the Lao-proposed Luang Prabang hydropower project and An Pich Hatda, chief executive officer of the MRC Secretariat, ...
Pech Sotheary
Does Lao’s Xayaburi dam benefit its people?
The newly-built Xayaburi dam has raised some key concerns about Lao PDR’s hydropower strategy. While hydropower is one of the country’s main exports, Lao PDR still has to import electricity. And although the government says the Xayaburi dam will improve access to electricity for its citizens, ...
Jason Thomas
China’s Mekong ambitions cause concern for Thai locals (Video)
The Mekong River is possibly the most important waterway in Southeast Asia. It feeds 60 million people in six countries and there have been long-standing concerns that China is trying to control it. China recently halted plans in March to blast rapids along the river ...
Yuki Tsang