The poor

Poverty policy and regulation

Remote communities benefiting from poverty reduction efforts

World Bank and the Swiss Development Cooperation (SDC) recently agreed to provide funds to support Laos in implementing the third phase of a programme involving 350 infrastructure improvement projects. The third phase of the Poverty Reduction Fund (PRF) programme, which is running from 2017-2019, is ...

All children to have free healthcare in next three months

The Ministry of Health has confirmed that children will receive free healthcare at government hospitals within the next three months. The initiative is aimed at encouraging more parents to take their sick children to hospital and reduce the high rate of mortality among children under ...

Arresting the dangers of chemicals in food

Food is necessary for survival, an appropriate amount of food for sustenance that is, while excessive amounts are detrimental. As the Myanmar proverb goes “Tan hlin say, Lon hlin bay” (too much of anything is good for nothing), which is something we have been hearing ...

Luxembourg injects 23m euro to develop rural areas

The government of Luxembourg has granted 23 million euro (205 billion kip) to Laos to carry out local development projects in four target provinces. The programme aims to improve infrastructure and nutrition, ease poverty, and bolster sustainable environmental management as outlined in the 8th national socio-economic ...

NA members push gov’t on addressing national issues

Revenue collection system modernisation, investment authorisation procedure improvement, and poverty reduction have topped the list of issues at the debate at the National Assembly session on April 25. NA members called on the government to accelerate its realisation of the plan for closing the leakage ...

Food safety first as national laboratory opens

Food security and control in the country has been boosted with the first official National Food Safety Laboratory opened on Monday in Vientiane. The new laboratory is the first of its kind in Laos, serving as a ready reference centre for the control of food quality ...

Methanol poisoning up in Việt Nam

The number of methanol poisoning cases has surged over the past three months compared with previous years, according to information presented at a workshop Monday in Hà Nội on the effect of alcohol abuse and the treatment of methanol poisoning. Addressing the event sponsored by the Việt ...

Livelihoods for elderly now a top priority

With most elderly Thais having no or hardly any savings, Thailand has an acute need to keep people in work as long as possible. Creating job opportunities for the country’s greying population is now top of the agenda at various organisations, both in the government and ...

Malaysia healthcare, local hospitals ink deal

Three private hospitals and a travel agency have inked a memorandum of understanding with the Malaysia Healthcare Travel Council (MHTC) to  promoting healthcare services. The partnership will allow MHTC to improve access to healthcare services in Malaysia for Myanmar citizens, promote its representative office and ...

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