The Irrawaddy

Chinese Whispers in Yangon as Myanmar Weighs Rohingya Deal With UN

The Myanmar government is in a bind. In order to stave off Western sanctions for its alleged mistreatment of the Rohingya, it is considering signing a memorandum with UN agencies that would set terms for the repatriation of Rohingya refugees from Bangladesh. But China does ...

Myanmar govt to redistribute vacant land

The Myanmar government is developing a plan to redistribute vacant or fallow plots of land to rural landless people willing to farm the land.The Union Minister for Agriculture, Livestock and Irrigation Dr. Aung Thu told The Irrawaddy on Monday the government had obtained US$4.19 million ...

Htet Naing Zaw

Poverty Decreases, But Rural Areas Slower to Develop: Report

The number of people in Myanmar living in poverty has decreased from 32 percent of the population in 2004 to 19 percent in 2015, according to a recent report. The World Bank and the Ministry of Planning and Finance analyzed data on living conditions from ...

Thu Thu Aung and Rik Glauert

Legality of Mon State Cement Factory’s Power Plant Questioned

A controversial 500-ton cement factory in Mon State’s Kyaikmayaw Township has not sought permission from the Ministry of Electricity and Energy in order to generate power, according to the ministry. The US$400 million cement factory run by Mawlamyine Cement Limited (MCL) –a joint venture between ...

Myanmar will join Asian forest cooperation organization

The Union Parliament on Tuesday approved the signing of the regional agreement for the establishment of the Asian Forest Cooperation Organization, after President U Htin Kyaw put forward the proposal. Burma’s Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Conservation presented the proposal to Parliament last month. The organization was ...

Hearing Myanmar: teaching artistry in Yangon

Community music center Gitameit’s brand new three-story building has just been finished. It sits with fresh concrete and sparkling glass right beside the center’s old, slightly ramshackle building in a small plot on a quiet road of Yangon’s Yankin Township. Gitameit’s music library—a collection of records, ...

Former exiled news outlets granted licenses for state media channel

Two former exiled news outlets—the Democratic Voice of Burma (DVB) and Mizzima—have been selected to run their own digital channels in Burma under the state-owned Myanmar Radio and Television (MRTV). In late 2016, the Ministry of Information (MOI) put out a call to local companies ...

China says accord reached at last with Myanmar on oil pipeline

China and Myanmar have reached an agreement on an oil pipeline between the neighboring countries after almost a decade of talks, with the project due to start “very quickly,” Chinese vice foreign minister Liu Zhenmin said on Monday. The new oil gateway fits with China’s “One ...

Critics skeptical of new privacy legislation

Myanmar’s newly enacted privacy and security protection law received skepticism from several civil society groups that said the legislation was “incomplete” and failed to fully ensure the protection of individuals’ privacy and freedom of expression as it was adopted hastily and without public consultation. The ...

Earthquake jolts Yangon region, injures 24

A 5.8-magnitude earthquake jolted Bago and Yangon divisions on Monday evening, injuring 24 people and damaging some religious buildings in Taik Kyi Township. No severe casualties have been reported. Myanmar’s Department of Meteorology and Hydrology reported that the epicenter of the quake was about 8 ...

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