Fisheries production
(Wild capture) Commercial fishing and natural fisheries
Rapid Decline in Tonle Sap Raises Alarms For Key Southeast Asian Fishery
Cambodia’s Tonle Sap, a lake known as the country’s “beating heart,” faces a more rapid decline than previously estimated, according to a new study. Experts say that urgent countermeasures are needed to save Southeast Asia’s largest freshwater lake, which has served Cambodia for millennia. Millions ...
Dan Southerland
Cambodia’s fisheries at risk due to hydropower development on Mekong, MRC warns
Hydropower development will likely deal a serious economic blow to Cambodia, with dire outlooks for its fisheries and rice outputs predicted even under best-case scenarios, according to key findings from the Mekong River Commission (MRC).Keep reading ...
Alessandro Marazzi Sassoon
Giant 'Swamp King' fish rescued from flood
With the help of a giant net for the giant fish, the locals hauled the stranded swimmer out of the water and onto the trailer of a motorbike. They raced more than two miles to release the fish back into its watery home, wetting the ...
Elaina Zachos
Designing river flows to improve food security futures in the Lower Mekong Basin
Hydropower dams radically alter river flow regimes, often with consequences for the functioning and productivity of the waters downstream. Where fisheries in large tropical river systems are affected, there can be knock-on effects on food security. For the Mekong River, Sabo et al. used a data-based time series ...
Science Magazine Reporter
Asian dolphins a step closer to extinction: group
The International Union for Conservation of Nature said on Tuesday it had changed the status of the Irrawaddy dolphin and finless porpoise, both living in Asian waters, to “endangered” from “vulnerable”, meaning they are closer to extinction.[]”In the Mekong River, for example, the majority of ...
Channel News Asia Reporter
Cambodia-Laos border fisheries management plan aimed to realise a 10% increase in fish stock
Targeting a 10-percent increase in fish abundance in the Mekong and Sekong Rivers by 2021, fisheries experts from Cambodia and Lao PDR shared today the progress in fish monitoring activities that set a baseline, and continued discussions on the formation of a joint fisheries management ...
Mekong River Commission
Vietnam’s shrimp producers worried about plan to dam Mekong River
There is increasing worry in Southeast Asia about the impact on regional seafood production from Chinese plans to dam and widen the Mekong River under its “One Belt, One Road” scheme. Published at the recently concluded Congress of China’s Communist Party, the plan calls for a ...
Gao Fu Mao
Citizen guards protect fish stocks on a fragile river
In the rainy season, shrubs and small trees are submerged in the Sesan River. The Sesan runs from east to west from Vietnam’s central highlands across the northern Ratanakiri region of Cambodia where it flows into the great Mekong River. [] But this community in Cambodia’s northern ...
Irrawaddy dolphin numbers rise
Nine critically endangered Mekong Irrawaddy dolphins, were born this year, but two of them died, the World Wildlife Fund has said. In a statement issued on Friday, the WWF said the population continues to be threatened by illegal fishing and hydropower dams.Keep reading ...
Pech Sotheary
Seafood giant Thai Union commits to clean up supply chains following pressure campaign
After a two-year-long campaign that saw nearly 700,000 people call on Thai Union Group to shift to more sustainable and ethical canned tuna, the global seafood giant has committed to a series of reforms to clean up its supply chains. Said to be the largest ...