Economy and commerce

Southeast Asia in Africa: A partner for development?

From the turn of the century onwards, Africa has been placed in the centre of the debate over emerging economies in the South. The continent has also been going through a period of economic growth starting from the beginning of the 21st century. Despite such ...

Lao construction companies to benefit from planned railway

Twenty Lao companies will be selected as sub-contractors for construction work on the almost-US$6 billion railway that will link Vientiane to the Chinese border. But these companies must be sub-contracted by Chinese companies, who will supervise their work and provide technical assistance to ensure high quality ...

The changing face of ASEAN

With much of ASEAN stuck in the economic doldrums and its senior members beset with issues ranging from unprecedented levels of corruption to violent insurgencies and maritime disputes with China, the regional bloc has known better days. But from the most unlikely corners of northern ASEAN, a more ...

No sign of relief for rice industry

As the harvest season of Cambodia’s most important crop kicks off, a crisis is looming as both rice farmers and millers face crippling capital shortages and a promised industry lifeline has yet to materialise. Industry experts said on September 14 that these small farmers desperate to pay ...

Will Vietnam redraw the world’s aviation market map?

With a powerful fleet which has been expanding recently, Vietnam is expected to play a role in the international aviation market. Analysts have said that Vietnam’s aviation industry has made especially big improvements in the last three years with domestic air carriers spending tens of billions ...

PPP gross cost investment model ‘best for motorway projects’

The Highways Department proposed at a meeting on September 14 that two motorway projects. The meeting was held to prepare for today’s meeting of the Private Public Partnership Policy Committee. The committee is to consider the two projects. According to the Highways Department, the PPP Gross Cost model ...

Foreign investors inject more interest into private hospitals

More foreign investors are interested in opening private hospitals in the country in response to growing patient demand for high quality health services. Foreign investors from China, Thailand, Vietnam, Singapore and other countries have submitted their proposals to the Ministry of Health, asking for licenses to ...

Chinese outfit moots two new railway lines

A Chinese engineering firm has proposed adding a pair of new railway lines to Cambodia’s fledgling rail infrastructure, with the Ministry of Transportation saying they’re interested – if the company can pay for it. Representatives from Jiangxi International (Cambodia) Ltd met with Transportation Minister Sun Chanthol ...

First mine licensed to draw gold

In a milestone for Cambodia’s nascent mining industry, the government has issued the first commercial mining licence to Mesco Gold, giving the Indian mining firm a green light to extract and process ore at its gold project in Ratanakkiri province, industry sources said on September ...

State aid for cassava farmers

The government is set to introduce measures to curb the adverse impact of falling tapioca prices in light of lower imports from China and price-cutting competition. Wiboonlasana Ruamraksa, director-general of the Internal Trade Department, said the measures include schemes to cut farmers’ existing loan interest, ...

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