Extractive industries

Minerals and mineral products

Bright prospects for steel firms despite challenges

Việt Nam’s listed steel companies can achieve higher growth in 2017 despite a volatile and predictable international market if they optimise operations and exploit missing links in the sector’s supply chain, experts said on March 13. Given recent international developments, global markets are likely to ...

Local protesters block road to Letpadaung copper mine

The Sagaing Division chief minister will likely visit the controversial Letpadaung copper mine later this week after protesters prevented vehicles from leaving the compound on February 21 and demanded the mine cease operations. “We blocked five trucks carrying copper from leaving the mine,” U Pho La ...

Residents block trucks at Loei mine

People in Loei have urged government agencies to inspect the Tungkum gold mine amid reports of illegal mining, producing many tonnes of ore being despite the mine’s permission to use local forestland having expired. The Rak Ban Kerd (Love Our Hometown) community group has blocked the ...

Letpadaung copper project to bring in US$20m

The Letpadaung Copper Project, which is a joint venture between the Wanbao Mining Company from China, Myanmar Economic Holdings Limited and the Myanmar Government is expected to generate about US$20 million in its first 10 months for the State, said U Ohn Win, Union Minister ...

No more coal mining licences due to harmful health effects, says union minister

The government will stop issuing new coal mining licences due to the substance’s harmful effects on health, said U Ohn Win, Union Minister for Natural Resources and Environmental Conservation. He also said factories which violate regulations in the burning of coal will be shut down. ...

Nickel market roiled by supply outlooks in Indonesia, Philippines

The nickel market has been undergoing wild swings this year, pummeled by Indonesia’s move to relax an export ban but later buoyed by expectations of a supply decrease from the Philippines. The Philippines said last Thursday that it will close mines responsible for roughly half of the ...

How should Vietnam behave after the US abandons TPP?

Anti-globalization and protectionist attitudes are increasing in some countries, but Vietnam still has an open economy. This means big challenges for Vietnam in upcoming days. US President Donald Trump on January 23 officially pulled out of the 12-nation Trans-Pacific Partnership, a move that The New ...

Record trade surplus for Australia

Australia boasted its biggest trade surplus on record in December as surging commodity prices showered the resource-rich nation in cash, a windfall that could lessen the risk of a downgrade to its triple A credit ratings. Yesterday’s data from the Australian Bureau of Statistics showed ...

VnSteel aims to increase revenue by VNĐ800 billion

Vietnam Steel Corporation (VnSteel) aims to earn a consolidated revenue of US$835.5 million in 2017, an increase of VNĐ800 billion from 2016. It will produce around 2.4 million tonnes of steel billets this year, up 17 per cent from 2016, VnSteel said. To accomplish these ...

World Bank loans support high-carbon development in Indonesia: report

Despite their stated aim of boosting low-carbon growth, World Bank policy loans to countries like Indonesia are creating subsidies for coal, gas and oil projects, according to a report released today by the nonprofit Bank Information Center. At the same time, these policy programs undercut ...

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