
Electricity infrastructure

How Southeast Asia can leverage China’s new Silk Road

In the deep valleys of northern Laos, the Nam Khan River – a major tributary of the mighty Mekong – slices through extraordinary scenery. Towering, mist-covered mountain ranges; a sublimely preserved Unesco heritage-listed city that was once a royal capital; rippling rice paddies and fishing ...

Thailand plans to sign electricity accord with Laos and Malaysia

Thailand is preparing to sign a tripartite electricity-trading agreement with two neighbouring countries at the upcoming Asean Ministers of Energy Meeting. Energy Ministry permanent secretary Areepong Bhoocha-Oom said the agreement would pave the way for the Laos-Thailand-Malaysia electricity deal, enabling the Asean Power Grid to ...

MMC's net profit up 7.4% in first quarter

MMC Corp., a Malaysian diversified infrastructure and utilities conglomerate, said on Monday that net profit improved 7.4% year on year to 55 million ringgit ($13 million) in the first quarter of the year due to growth in its power generation unit. Revenue in the same ...

Laos-World Bank launch next 5-year partnership framework

The World Bank Office in Vientiane on May 24 presented the bank’s Partnership Framework for Laos 2017-2021 to stakeholders, together with the findings of the Systematic Country Diagnostic and the launch of the annual publication entitled Lao Economic Monitor. The new partnership framework between Laos and ...

Insurers help to pay for Asia's infrastructure needs

A recent $150 million refurbishment of two decades-old geothermal power plants on the Philippine island of Luzon may sound like just another project aimed at overcoming the country’s severe electricity shortages. But, for Asia’s insurance companies, there is more to it. Bonds issued to pay ...

German bank to loan 23 million euro to power hundreds of villages in Shan State

Germany is giving Myanmar a Euro 23 million loan to supply electricity to 416 villages in southern Shan State, a Electricity and Energy Ministry official said. ​He that Germany had agreed to loan the funds totalling Euro 23.884 million, and the matter was now pending ...

Vietnam lacks green works despite legal framework

Despite many regulations favoring energy-saving construction, Vietnam still has few green buildings. The rapid development of the middle-class, which uses air-conditioners regularly, is a major reason behind the increasingly high electricity consumption in large cities of Vietnam, according to EuroCham. Tomaso Andreatta, chair of EuroCham’s Green ...

K30b request to boost Yangon power approved

A request of K30 billion from the special reserved fund, granted by Budget Law of the Union 2016, to be spent for supplying the electricity power shortage in Yangon Region during the summer season was approved by the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw on March 17 amidst complaints ...

B Grimm signs MoU for power line in

B GRIMM Power recently signed a memorandum of understanding with Poipet PP SEZ Co, one of the largest industrial-estate operators in Cambodia, to develop a power-transmission line at its industrial park in the western city of Poipet. This will be the company’s starting point in ...

Light Festival set to electrify Yangon

Yangonites! Though many of us know November to be the month of light festivals, this summer will soon be known as another time for celebration. Beginning on March 19, the International Standard Lighting Festival will feature over 60 light sculptures including a light tunnel, Paris’ Eiffel ...

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