Education and training

Education and training policy and administration

Thailand's debt-stricken teachers 'need financial help'

The Thailand Teacher’s Development Association on 23 November demanded Education Minister Dapong Ratanasuwan provide debt refinancing packages, to prevent teachers from becoming swamped with debts which will eventually affect the students. The association proposed the ministry combine formal and informal debts of teachers nationwide, and transfer the whole chunk ...

Lecturers tell NCPO: Stop threats to academics and students

A group of lecturers on 23 November called on the junta to stop threatening academics and students expressing political views. The group, gathered under the network of lecturers concerned for detained students, submitted a letter to chief of the National Council for Peace and Order (NCPO) Prayut ...

Thailand's 'train-the-trainer' English course kicks off in March

Thailand’s Education Ministry plans to kick off its six-week “train-the-trainer” programme for the first group of 500 Thai teachers to teach English in state-run schools in March next year. Deputy Education Minister Teerakiat Jareonsettasin, who oversees the programme, said on 17 November the teachers will be trained ...

Thai Education Ministry aims to cut foreign English tutors

The Education Ministry plans to recruit its first batch of 500 Thai teachers who teach English in state-run schools nationwide to undergo a “train-the-trainer” programme in a bid to reduce the cost of hiring foreign English teachers. Deputy Education Minister Teerakiat Jareonsettasin said those Thai English ...

Vietnam's ambitious education reform plans come in for praise

The education ministry’s plan to transform general education from a system that provides knowledge into one that develops capacity is necessary but not sufficient, experts say.  Keep reading ...

Lao PM calls for urgent job skill training

Prime Minister Thongsing Thammavong has asked the Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare to take urgent action to set up a labour database to facilitate skills development in line with market needs. The prime minister made the comment at the ministry’s 2015 national meeting, which ended ...

Laos lacking young scientists

Laos needs more young people to study science so they can contribute to the nation’s development, according to a leading official. The number of students enrolling in science courses is continuing to decrease with most high school leavers studying in other fields, Minister of Science and ...

Lao students encouraged to apply for European scholarships

The National University of Laos, in cooperation with the French, German and UK embassies in Vientiane, has laid out higher education opportunities in the EU to university faculty members and students. A talk titled “Study in Europe” was delivered at the university, and was attended by ...

Thailand's English skills lagging, says training company

According English First’s latest English proficiency index, Thailand is far behind many of its neighbours and most of the world. The index, however, is not without critics. By far the most highly read story on the Bangkok Post website yesterday was about the release of the Education ...

Plans firm up for Lao education development

Senior education officials and development partners gathered in Vientiane for a meeting of the Education Sector Working Group to endorse the sub-sector plan of the education sector development plan for 2016-20 before submission to the Ministry of Planning and Investment. Another key objective of the meeting ...

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