Family, children and youth

Family, children and youth policy and administration

Campaign launched to end violence against children, women

A communications campaign entitled “Blue Heart” was launched on June 4 to call for joint efforts to end violence and protect children and women, especially during emergencies such as the COVID-19 pandemic. The campaign is co-organised by the Department of Child Affairs at the Ministry of Labour, Invalids and ...


Cambodia Launches Campaign to End Child Labor in Brick Industry

Cambodia has launched a campaign to end child labor in the brick industry by 2020, a move industry observers cautiously welcome while expressing doubts the goal will be achieved, and calling for more structural changes. The industry drew international attention last year when a report, Blood ...

Leonie Kijewski

ASEAN youths place soft skills over STEM

Emerging technology and relentless changes in labour markets have forced young people in Southeast Asia to constantly upgrade their skills, research released yesterday by the World Economic Forum (WEF) and Singaporean-based internet company Sea has revealed. The survey of some 56,000 respondents aged from 15 to 36 from ...

Submission by Human Rights Watch to the Committee on the Rights of the Child Concerning Cambodia

Human Rights Watch research in Cambodia exposed one of the human rights perils of unauthorized subcontracting in the supply chains of global apparel companies. Our research carried out between April 2018 and January 2019, and published in March 2015, documented instances of child labor in ...

Myanmar launches anti-child labour campaign

THOUGH more than 600,000 children are still engaged in work that harms their health, safety and well-being, Myanmar is trying to implement a national-level project to eradicate child labour, Nyunt Win, director-general of the factories and general labour laws inspection department, said. “Myanmar is undertaking several ...

Khine Kyaw

Myanmar: Signatories Of NCA Meet, Lofty Ideas But No Clout – Analysis

The ten signatories to the National Cease fire Agreement started a five-day meeting at Chiang Mai from May 14-18 to discuss about the agreement and how to move the peace process forward. It looks that having been brought into the “bag”, the smaller groups which have ...

Dr. S.Chandrasekharan

The Thai children putting a brave face on the horror of sexual abuse

When photographer Marieke van der Velden was asked by the Dutch charity Down to Zero to do an awareness-raising project on Thai children who had been victims of commercial sexual exploitation, she was uncertain how to proceed. For obvious reasons, her subjects’ faces could not be shown. In Thailand, Van der ...

ASEAN youngsters seek ways to end gender violence, promote equality

Youth representatives from 10 ASEAN countries, including over 100 Vietnamese youngsters, discussed challenges and solutions to achieving gender equality in ASEAN by 2030 during a dialogue in Hanoi on October 10. The wider dialogue closed a five-day training course on the role of youth in ensuring ...

Children in sex industry of ASEAN cry for implementation of legally binding agreements

A report by ILOs in 2017 estimated that 152 million children are involved in child labor worldwide, of which 73 million are in hazardous work, including situations where they are engaged in child prostitution. Addressing child prostitution is an important part of addressing child labor. Keep ...

Students from Lancang-Mekong region join innovation training camp

An innovation and entrepreneurship training camp was launched on Thursday at Fudan University with 30 university students from six countries along the Lancang-Mekong River. The participants were winners of the third Youth Innovation Competition on Lancang-Mekong Region’s Governance, which was held in January 2018 in ...

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