
Chinese investment in Southeast Asia is plummeting

China-funded infrastructure projects in Southeast Asia have plunged in the past year as foreign governments grow wary of Beijing’s overseas investments. The value of newly announced big-ticket deals in the region – investment commitments and construction contracts worth more than $100 million – dropped just  ...

It’s decision time for Southeast Asia as power demand soars

Southeast Asia’s energy demand is expected to grow by two-thirds by 2040, requiring massive investment in new energy generation and transmission. Installed capacity will double from 240 gigawatts to 565 gigawatts, which amounts to adding a bit more than Japan’s total electricity capacity. Keep reading ...

Operation Mekong / Southeast Asia’s place in China’s new world order

China is exercising a level of economic influence on the Mekong states not seen since the height of its imperial might. Southeast Asia Globe breaks down the rising superpower’s relationship with each of these nations and the role each country plays in furthering China’s economic and political ...

Buddhism in Southeast Asia: a Catalyst for Civic Exchange

On 13 November, Buddhist leaders from Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia met in Vientiane, the capital of Laos,to “strengthen co-operation between the three countries’ Buddhist organizations and promote and develop Lao Buddhism [both] in the region and internationally.” This meeting, attended by over 500 monastics, was called ...

China and Japan’s power struggle is good news for Southeast Asia

The Japan-China rivalry in Southeast Asia is good for the economic development and strategic autonomy of Southeast Asian states. This is particularly so for the poorer countries of the region that harbour the greatest fears of becoming solely dependent on China. Keep reading ...

China Solidifies Its Influence in Southeast Asia

China has always wielded significant influence in Southeast Asia. Lately, though, as the West turns its attention elsewhere, Beijing has been seeking to solidify its economic and political clout in the region. []But in no other region is China’s influence as pronounced as in the countries ...

Japan and Mekong nations to push 150 Southeast Asia projects

The leaders of Japan and five Southeast Asian countries that share the Mekong River on Tuesday agreed to adopt a new policy that pushes forward more than 150 projects in the Mekong region using official development assistance from Japan. Keep reading ...

Thailand: Southeast Asia’s Last Hope for Wildlife?

With wildlife populations in Indochina in rapid decline, Thailand is the last great hope for the region’s natural heritage, particularly for large carnivores such as tigers and leopards. In fact, many donor organizations feel that Thailand has already achieved mid-level development status, making it more ...

Environmental Defenders Under Pressure Across Southeast Asia

A lack of U.S. engagement is contributing to a “declining, dictatorial and more dangerous environment” in Southeast Asia, where the abuse of fundamental rights is increasing alongside the killing of land activists, Human Rights Watch says. Keep reading ...

Mekong region faces even greater forest losses, WWF warns

Top environmental group says countries on mainland Southeast Asia need to ramp up their forest protection policies or face the threat of millions of hectares being lost to ‘development’ and infrastructure projects over coming decades. Read ...

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