
Cambodia achieves economic miracle but much remains to be done

While Cambodia has achieved nothing short of a “miracle” in terms of economic development, there is still much to be done if the Kingdom wants to improve or sustain such progress and the financial/ non-financial wellbeing of its people in the long run. The 2019 Global ...

Jose Rodriguez T. Senase

Cambodian “bat man” bolsters the fight against dengue fever

Meet Heng Kim Seng, Cambodia’s bat man. In a few years, he went from rice to riches all because of bats. Under the Khmer Rouge, he hauled human waste to make the rice grow, and now he sells bat feces or “guano” as a natural fertilizer, ...

Land Dispute Representatives From Six Provinces Petition Gov’t

Representatives and villagers across six provinces, representing 27 different communities, gathered in Phnom Penh on Tuesday to advocate and petition the government for a resolution to their long-standing land disputes. The villagers came from the provinces of Preah Sihanouk, Kampong Speu, Prey Veng, Tbong Khmum, Svay ...

Mekong levels to drop due to Jinghong power station testing

Water levels in the Mekong River that traverses Cambodia, Thailand, and Lao PDR are expected to drop due to outflows from China’s Jinghong hydropower station, which would be decreased by more than 50 per cent for dam equipment testing from January 1-4, the Mekong River ...

Ry Sochan

INDUSTRY 4.0: Get with the times

That was the basic translation of the JapanCorp company slogan, and while Chantrea thought it was a bit cheesy, she had to admit it seemed accurate enough. Chantrea had been an industrial engineer for more than a decade now, managing the systems that kept Cambodia’s manufacturing ...

Andrew Haffner

Ambitious agricultural development strategic plan launched

The Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries yesterday launched an ambitious five-year strategic plan to develop farming and push the agriculture sector to modernise, become more competitive and resilient to climate change and, in particular, to move on from labour-intensive traditional practices. The plan for 2019 ...

Chea Vannak

Experts doubt effectiveness of new plan to address Mekong drought

After a year of severe drought that hit the region, the inter-state agency Mekong River Commission (MRC) has laid out new measures to mitigate the effects of the crisis but experts have questioned the effectiveness of the plan. In its 2020-2025 strategy, adopted late last month ...

Leonie Kijewski

'Beautifying Phnom Penh': Muslim Cham face eviction in Cambodia

On a good day, fish vendor Sen Ror can make about $7.50 but that is on a good day. Usually, she only makes about a third of that, taking home roughly $2.50, which is all she has to buy food for her four children and elderly ...

Leonie Kijewski

Patrol finds 200 snares in forest community

More than 200 illegal snares have over the past two weeks been removed from the Prambei Mom Forest community area in Kampong Speu’s Thpong district. Liv Sarum said on Thursday that patrols of the forest community in Prambei Mom commune found the traps, with 117 of ...

Long Kimmarita

Farming and Food: Hungry for change

The year is 2040 and the time is coming up to midday. Lunch at her office desk is the sole option for Sopheap Jing, one of the many people in Cambodia and elsewhere whose careers have become something of a paradox.  Under-employed and over-qualified, Sopheap is ...

Simon Roughneen

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