

Laos makes strides in monitoring state affairs

Officials who carry out inspections need to be more competent so they can be relied upon to capably implement their political duties and ensure a successful outcome. This fact was highlighted by the Party and government in a document listing the lessons learnt from past ...

Kingdom slips in TI’s graft index

For the fourth year in a row, Transparency International has rated Cambodia the country perceived as ASEAN’s most corrupt, and just ahead of North Korea and Afghanistan for the entire Asia-Pacific region. The 2016 Corruption Perceptions Index, which scores and ranks 176 countries and territories ...

More tourists, less revenue

The Ministry of Tourism released its annual report on January 24 during its yearly meeting, showing growth continued for the sector in 2016, while launching a campaign to eliminate unlicensed tourist establishments that ministry officials claim slowed revenue collection last year. International tourism arrivals increased by ...

Party urges public participation in fight against corruption

Every Party and government organisation, the Lao Front for National Construction and other mass organisations, the mass media and the general public must actively combat autocracy and join the fight against corruption. This was the call from the Party Central Committee to people across the ...

Deputy PM takes strong stance against corruption

Building public awareness of corruption, taking note of complaints about unethical conduct, and bringing offenders to justice are some of the ways the government intends to clamp down on corruption. Deputy Prime Minister and Head of the Party and Government Inspection Authority and the Anti-Corruption ...

PCD looks to reopen fight over Klong Dan case

The Pollution Control Department has filed a petition with the Central Administrative Court, asking it to reconsider the corruption-riddled Klong Dan wastewater treatment plant case, saying it has “new evidence” with which to reopen the legal fight. Pittaya Pramotepeerapan, director of PCD’s legal division, said ...

Sleeker tax system nets more revenue

Efforts to introduce an effective, modern taxation system appear to be paying off as government coffers swelled last year, giving the state more revenue to use for development at a time when donor aid is drying up. Tax collection revenue grew by 15 percent to ...

Thailand’s proposed death penalty for corruption a stunt, experts say

Those convicted of corruption in Thailand involving more than one billion baht could face the death penalty under a new proposal. A proposal by the Thai government to impose the death penalty in some corruption cases is largely “for show”, according to analysts. Under plans approved ...

BMTA considers scrapping NVG bus contract

The Bangkok Mass Transit Authority is considering scrapping its bus purchase deal with Bestlin Group in the wake of a customs tax evasion scandal. The authority is seeking advice from the Office of the Attorney-General over possibly scrapping the contract based on concerns over the ...

When selling is more lucrative than protecting: Myanma timber enterprise and the deforestation crisis

For years, Myanmar’s state-owned timber giant has been subject to accusations of corruption and shadowy closed-door dealings. Environmental advocacy groups have long blamed Myanmar Timber Enterprise for operating its industry monopoly without transparency. On November 15, their allegations appeared to gain newfound teeth, substantiated by ...

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