
Japan building Mekong supply chain

Greater connectivity between Japan and Cambodia is tightening economic links between the two countries while catalysing Japan’s ambitions to develop a chain of industrial complexes that cut a tract through the Lower Mekong region. Officials at Japan External Trade Organisation, Japan’s development agency, say Cambodia’s economic ...

Calls for further protection for migrant workers

Myanmar’s preeminent trade union confederation has called on the government to take action to protect migrant workers from exploitation and unfair treatment abroad. Daw Htwe Htwe Thein, a director of the Confederation of Trade Unions of Myanmar, called for stronger regulation of employment agents who recruit ...

Facebook post inspires landmark case for migrant workers in Thailand

Tun Tun Win and his coworkers from Burma thought life was fine at the Thammakaset chicken farm in central Thailand, where they reared hundreds of thousands of birds for export to the European Union. The migrants clocked 20 hours a day for 40 days straight, shoveling ...

Workers urged to get docs

The Ministry of Labour on September 12 reminded an estimated 380,000 Cambodian migrant workers in Thailand who hold temporary work permits – also known as pink cards – to apply for more permanent documents when registration opens online later this month. In its letter, the ministry reminded ...

Minimum wage talks kick off in Phnom Penh

The Labour Ministry put forth a suggested figure of $148.20 for next year’s minimum wage as tripartite wage talks started on Friday, leading some unions to say that they would consider lowering their demand of $179 in hopes of reaching a compromise. Kicking off the negotiations, ...

ASEAN to focus on jobs for addicts

ASEAN will deal with the narcotics problem by focusing more on healthcare and jobs for drug addicts as part of the bloc’s 10-year anti-drug action plan, says Justice Minister Paiboon Koomchaya. He was speaking on August 24 as he chaired the 37th meeting of ASEAN senior ...

More Cambodian women trafficked to Saudi, officials say

The number of Cambodian women now thought to be caught in Saudi Arabia’s sex industry after being trafficked in the past year has risen to more than 20, officials said on August 24. However, the government remained tight-lipped about its efforts to rescue the women, while ...

Garment sector figures disputed

Government officials and union groups on August 23 cast doubts on the findings issued by the industry body for the nation’s garment and footwear manufacturers, challenging its claim that mounting investor concerns had forced dozens of local factories out of business and resulted in a sharp ...

More than 9,000 people in Singapore are ‘modern-day slaves’: study

Among nearly 46 million people living and working in slave-like conditions worldwide, an estimated 9,200 are in Singapore, according to a global index on 167 countries compiled by a human rights group. The lower the ranking, the less prevalence of “modern slavery” in a country. The ...

Bangladesh frees 92 Myanmar fishermen

The Bangladesh government pardoned 92 fishermen of Myanmar out of a good neighbourliness, who were caught for illegally entering into the Bangladesh territorial waters in December last year. According to the Bangladesh embassy in Yangoon, the authorities concerned in Myanmar were notified when the fishermen entered ...

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