
Land policy and administration

‘No to corruption amid state-land distribution’: PM

Prime Minister Hun Sen yesterday warned of legal action against anyone caught taking advantage of state-mandated land distributions, two days after he ordered several ministries to oversee the transfer of state-protected land to its long-term occupants. The order was given to the Ministries of Agriculture, Land ...

Pech Sotheary

Chinese Sugar Company Leases Parts of Cambodian Land Concession to Farmers

A Chinese sugar company with a large long-term land concession in Cambodia came under fire from NGOs Tuesday for leasing parts of the concession to local villagers, collecting rent instead of engaging in the activities stipulated in its contract with the Cambodian government. The Hengfu Group ...

RFA’s Khmer Service. Translated by Samean Yun. Written in English by Eugene Whong

Mondulkiri sanctuary land grabbers charged

In April, 13 suspects were charged in the Mondulkiri Provincial Court for encroaching on forest land in wildlife sanctuaries at Phnom Prich, Srepok, Nam Lear, and Keo Seima, said Ministry of Environment secretary of state and spokesperson Neth Pheaktra. The sanctuaries are protected under the Law ...

Soth Koemsoeun

CAMBODIA Landmark Settlement in Cambodian Land-grab Falls Short for Many Villagers

It has been more than a decade since 64-year old Khorn Khorn lost three hectares of land to a close ally of Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen. The controversial senator Ly Yong Phat wanted the holding to expand a sugarcane plantation in Kampong Speu province. At ...

Sun Narin

Hundreds in Cambodia Protest Lack of Progress in Resolving Land Disputes

Almost a thousand protesters gathered on Monday outside the Ministry of Land Management in Cambodia’s capital Phnom Penh to urge direct intervention by the Ministry in long-running land disputes, saying that handing the responsibility off to provincial authorities has stalled resolution. Coming from the provinces of ...

Activists set up camp over land issues

Members of a land rights advocacy group on Monday set up camp near the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment, calling on it to resolve land disputes between villagers and the state. The People’s Movement for a Just Society, or P-Move, also petitioned Natural Resources and ...

Apinya Wipatayotin

Koh Kong Villagers Seek Land Dispute Resolution From Interior Ministry

More than 300 people from Koh Kong province protested in Phnom Penh on Monday over more-than-decadelong land disputes with companies that were granted concessions by the government, and that demonstrators say pushed them off their plots. The protesters, from Kiri Sakor, Botum Sakor and Sre Ambel ...

Khut Sokun

HCM City, Mekong Delta face serious land subsidence

Land subsidence in Ho Chi Minh City and the Mekong Delta has ranged from 0.1 to 81 centimetres in the last 10 years, according to the Water Resources Management Department at the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment. The figure was reported at a conference on ...

Panel to consider changing laws to aid Kachin farmers

A committee will be set up comprising farmers and civil society organisations to resolve farmland problems in Kachin State, U M Kawn La of the Kachin National Congress said. The committee, to initially include political party officials, law experts, civil society groups and literature associations, will discuss ...

Khin Su Wai

Dying for land in Lao?

Reports recently surfaced revealing that 69-year-old Thitphay Thammavong had been arrested in Lao last month on 16 September. His crime? According to his family members, he had refused to sign papers that would give up control of his 1.5-hectare plot of land near Viengkham village ...

Sheith Khidhir

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